Wavy PSA labels

Is it normal for PSA labels to be wavy. Everyone I have seen lays really flat.
Wondering because there are some cards on ebay, yet every PSA Label looks sloppy to me.
Not accusing anyone of anything, just looking for more information. Pic of one of the cards for example

Thank you for your time

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It’s a very known thing, yes. Many have asked in the past.

Also if the cards fits the bill and the case doesn’t have a bunch of cloudiness around the edges, you should be fine.


Absolutely normal, plenty of my cards have wavy labels too.


Really appreciate the information.
Just seemed weird that all 8 or so cards had the same issue. But being how they are all older certs, pretty much inline number wise, guess that makes sense.
Now just to offer the guy 30% less due to the 2 cert numbers…

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Note to self…use search function more often

I had the same inquiry recently! I bought a pretty expensive card for me and it had these wavy parts to the label as well, but as others have stated it is very normal!

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Wavy Labels look cool. Kinda 3D.

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I agree with the comments above, some of the first PSA cards I bought look still better than later purchases when it comes to labels.

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A few of my labels are wavy, as mentioned totally normal.

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