Vending series 3 vending 1st edition

Hello everyone, I was just wondering which sheet has the bills/masaki pass card on the series 3 1st edition vending sheets, I know someone who is selling individual sheets that I would like to add to my collection but I I want to make sure I buy one with the bills pass card on if I can help it, thankyou in advance!

Bill’s PC is on Sheet 16 & 17.

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Has anyone had the luck to come across the envelope that was mailed out with the masaki set ? This has come up for sale recently and I’m tempted to buy it to go with my masaki master set, but I’ve never actually seen the envelope before

Also the seller didn’t have any sheets 16/17 unfortunately, but I might still pick up a sheet if I can…

Nice Photo :ok_hand: :100: :fire: :spoon: :crystal_ball:

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The cards look too japanesy haha :ok_hand:t5: