value of some MTG cards

is there a MTG collector here that could tell me if any of those cards is valuabe? I don’t know anything about Magic :blush: , some cards are in english and some in german. Sorry for the bad quality, the pictures are not mine.

tcgplayer is your friend

not really, I can check some cards but I have 0 idea what a black border or white border card is, which set the card is from etc. Also some cardnames are hidden, so only someone that actually knows the card could immediately tell if the card is worth anything. But I guess most cards are worth as much as the Black vise.

Bit hard to tell with the photos but,

White border- unlimited
black with big round edges alpha
black semi round more square beta

With the newer cards no idea would be best to google?

2 of your 4 pictures aren’t showing, but I don’t see much value here. A few dollars.

I’m no expert, but a quick google search will let you know whats alpha/beta/unlimited/revised, etc… MTG is all about the reserve list tbh.

I wish I couldgo back in time and buy dual lands for $10-20 or Mint Black Lotus for $400-500. Lol

Apparently, nobody above is an expert but we do have a couple mtg experts on this site so wait for one of their responses.

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I don’t think there’s anything valuable there.
Here’s a quick guide.

No symbol:
-Black border = alpha, beta
-White border = unlimited, revised (faded looking)
-1995 copyright = 4th edition
-1997 copyright = 5th edition

Snowflake symbol = ice age

Moon symbol (white border) = chronicles
Palm tree = mirage

Nothing of value in those photos sorry mate, the lightning bolt is a couple of dollars but it’s foreign white border, pretty undesirable.


Lightning Bolt and Granite Gargoyle are worth a few bucks, hold on to that Granite Gargoyle though, it’s from the reserved list meaning it won’t be printed anymore, it’s not an amazing card but supply is slowly drying up on those.

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I wouldn’t be holding onto foreign white border granite gargoyles, they’re junk now and will still be junk in 10 years, it’s literally a 10c card with a high print run and no demand, reserved list != long term value.

thanks for your inputs, just as a follow up, the cards sold for roughly 60 USD, there was also this “mystery box” included in the auction, but more often than not, people display only the valuable cards so I did not include this picture when asking for an estimate

Yeah it’s a junky card but even junk has gone up in price lately, the RL buyouts are a stupid bubble we’re currently living in, they seem to have slowed down considerably though but when some dolt buys the gargoyles that’s when you sell into the hype.