Using PlastX / Plastic Polisher to clean PSA cases

Nice! I want all my cards to have 4xx cert, so I will be using the techniques you described.

Thank you!


Iā€™m glad pfm post video on how to use plastx on psa cases.

Now I gonna find time to sit and polish them when I can.

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Make sure to have good ventilation when you use this stuff, or better yet, do it outside on a nice day!

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I just use toothpaste

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This post makes it very difficult to see a real comparison here.

The 4 pictures supposed to show progress gradually get smaller. Hard to see the actual progress because of this.
Are there more micro scratches in the last picture compared to the first?

The before and after picture remind me of an infomercial. The Before picture of the Zapdos is dull, while the after picture much more vibrant.