OK here’s yet another thread about this guy:
I see that Bulbapedia claims that the set was printed in Spanish. Anyone have any insight?
OK here’s yet another thread about this guy:
I see that Bulbapedia claims that the set was printed in Spanish. Anyone have any insight?
It’s correct … “Cielos Evolutivos” (Evolving Skies) was printed in Spanish as well.
Here’s a photo of the card (not mine btw)
I see them relatively often for sale locally (based in Mexico City). They are cheaper and I believe might go for around $500? Could be wildly wrong about the price though. I can try getting more info/sourcing one if you’re interested.
Are there certain sites more often used in a local like MX? Or would eBay be a decent bet?
I don’t think eBay is used a lot. People more often would go for trades or sales with trusted vendors via certain Facebook groups, the biggest one to my knowledge is Compra y Venta Pokémon TCG México. As far as I can tell a majority of the people there are based off of Mexico City. Second would be mercado libre. Some stores have listings there but I think most things are overpriced. I’ve mostly seen it used/have used it as a “middle man” in order to give some sort of guarantee to the buyer, that is, sellers make “made to order” listings and send you the link so the transaction goes through their platform.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know
Every listing has a fake price. Current value $1M+
I would be careful buying this, valuable cards in spanish are the ones that are faked the most often regarding european languages, at least that’s my experience with cardmarket
Definitely, but for a card that expensive you should always ask for pictures anyway. And since 99% of fakes are very poorly done at that point you should also see whether the card is real.