Trying to figure out all cards that feature Clefairy Doll

Hello! It’s known by some that my favorite Pokemon are Haunter, Gengar, Clefairy, and Clefable. If Clefairy doll was a poke itself it would be a contender for my number one

I am trying to figure out all the cards that feature it and have ended up with this so far

Base set Clefairy Doll
Gym Heroes Sabrina’s ESP
SM-P 80 Lillie Box Promo
Lost Thunder Chansey

I have all of these and just picked up some of those wonky vending machine clefairy doll cards in all of their patterns

Are there any cards I am missing that feature the cute little thing? Can be Japanese exclusive promo, or just about any requirement I’ll have to get it

Thank you!

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I’d love to know the answer to this, too! My girlfriend collected these same 4 specifically for the Clefairy Doll.

Here’s her doll haha and me trying to evolve it:


make sure you get her one of these for valentines day ;p


Clefairy/Clefable is my secret (oopsie) favourite Pokemon.
But didn’t Quuador posted similar question recently?

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Quuador was more asking what the substitute plush was, and not about each card featuring clefairy doll unless I missed something. The new chansey card just had me worried that there might be other cards over the years that featured it without any mention in the name similar to how blaine’s quiz features a bunch of pokemon

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You’re indeed right, I was mainly asking what the Substitute Doll was, which other dolls there were, and which ones are available as TCG cards (either in a background or as a card itself).

FWIW, I’ve looked at all the Trainer cards in my collection and haven’t been able to find any more Clefairy Dolls hidden in the backgrounds. I have seen a lot of other dolls, like Pikachu dolls, Bonsley dolls, Bunneary dolls, Snivy dolls, Chikorita dolls, etc. But not any Clefairy dolls besides the ones you’ve already mentioned.



Thank you Quuador !

I guess it’s time to just get all the variants of those cards haha