Tropical mega battle 1999-2001

I think smpratte had posted that earlier in the thread.

I will be looking into the 2002 world tournament next, so if there are any experts out there PLEASE chime in!! I literally know NOTHING about any of the worlds tournaments, just that they started up after the Tropical Mega Battle events ceased to exist

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Yes, that article I posted earlier explains that the sets were released in 2001 & 2002. The old back card style was still in use during the 2000 tournament, hence the 9th lucky stadium.

As for producing “participation” cards in high volume, that is doubtful. In order to compete at the TMB tournament you had to qualify. The amount of competitors were decided by who qualified, thus the amount of prize/participation cards would be easily quantifiable. Even with Worlds today, which has a much larger pool of competitors, there are not “extra” finalist, semi-finalist, etc. cards that just end up somewhere besides with the winners.

Of course the focus here is on actual distribution, as no one knows what quantity a company actually prints. No one can quantify the latter.

The real issue is getting the data on exactly how many competitors were at each tournament and also which participation cards were distributed. Luckily I was able to speak with a competitor years ago from the 2001 tournament. Otherwise the information is difficult to obtain unless you find someone who was at the event.

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love the emphasis in exeggutor for the hawaii themed promos

If you need a non-google translation, or have other translation questions from Dutch, just let me know and I’ll take a look. :wink:

Anyone know where this ended up? Any of you guys? Can’t believe these were actually all sold on eBay in the past few months

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I know one person here bought the rapidash, not sure if they want to be known or not.

They ended up all over the world because I shipped them :wink:.

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haha well hello! surprised you didn’t want to keep them :sunglasses: wish i knew i would have paid 3 bills for that raichu all day

I was surprised aswell as it ended lower than my expectations but due to the situation I was in because of these I got the amount back that I needed.

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Yeah I completely understand - they probably didn’t get enough exposure honestly. I never think to search for English VS TMB Cards, I’m sure many others are the same :confused:

If I remember correctly they were all in pretty poor condition, however with such a rarity like that you take them no matter what really.

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I don’t know why the prices wouldn’t go higher then $300 on the PSA 10’s because of the rarity I expected them to go to $500.

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Hey Guys,

I am the German participant of the tropical mega battle 2001 and got 2nd at the end.
I`ve got the VS Set,
have a look here:-)

If you have questions concerning the tournament I can tell you a lot, as far as I rember :slight_smile:



Beautiful set! Thank you for sharing your treasure and knowledge with us. :blush:

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jopp, 1 in german, 1 in dutch, 1 in french, 1 in portuguese 1 in danish and 1 in swedish,
I was participating in 2001 :wink:



Hello all,

The 1999 Tropical Mega Battle, Waikiki, Oahu
There was also the special edition Emakuni card. 6 medals were given 3 to the U.S., and 3 to the Japanese champions.
Yes the three legendary bird phone cards were given to every player at the TMB. The special edition Dr. Aoyama Eggxecutor card exists. There’s a special Eggxecutor Hawaiian shirt that was also given out, and a TMB hat. There’s a special Dr. Aoyama translation guide that was also given out for trainers to communicate small conversation.
I’m not sure about the wind card your talking about? I never saw that or heard of that?

Amazing man keep these for ever

Do you know how the Legendary Bird phone cards were given out?

What did people have do to earn them?

So all participants go that silver medal? Just bringing this back up because they were just mentioned again. I’m talking about the physical medal mentioned in the quoted post from a while ago, not a card