Tired of Weighing Packs? I may have a solution maybe?

MRI or CT Scan might be a better idea?


Lmao to all this —> @admiral best one

(1) weigh what? I’ve tried weighing the more modern SM. / SWSH stuff and more often than not any pack that was deemed “light” ended up with a GX/FA/etc. unless Im missing some new science out there to “weigh” modern…

(2) someone mentioned those hobby metal detectors, almost positive I saw a Reddit thread over a year ago that showed a picture or shared an anecdote on someone using a “micro/nano metal detector” or whatever that could be called to scan packs at Walmart… just seems too time consuming

(3) at the risk of trying to do this properly and having to invest the 50-100k capital to scale up your operation, you might just be better off investing in / sourcing uncut sheets and using some type of CNC with a cardboard cutting blade and create/map the cut files required… not even sure how the sheets are cut at source tbh never interested me …

or again if you’re going to go overkill, I’m pretty sure it would be cheaper to bribe or pay someone to get access to the actual print and cut files, find someone who has the experience in this type of commercial printing, and just print identical cards… no offense to Nintendo or TPC, but there’s probably nothing proprietary to their manufacturing process and can likely be reverse engineered and my bet is it probably already has been and will continue to become even more sophisticated as this market continues to defy logic.

Do the flip test. If it lands face up with the pokemon showing it’s heavy. If it’s face down it’s light


Next time I am going to the dentist, I am bringing my Pokemon boosters!

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“Doctor, I know that my pelvic bone is broken, but could you please x-ray these Neo Genesis packs first?”

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I tried that before, and they gave me a weird look.

I can’t wait

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I have 7 of them. Can try it this weekend, what do you think will show up?

I’m gonna have to come clean here, I’ve been bringing my metal detector into Walmart when buying packs for years. I’ve only been asked to leave a couple times.


imagine the boss walking in on you x raying a dragon…

Awesome, what are the model of the xray heads. I have to make sure my HV DC power supply can handle this. I am not sure what will show up. I am just as curious as you.

For whatever it’s worth, you got me curious and I found a 1993 Chicago Tribune article on the “struggles” of trying to be a trading card collector without breaking the bank by using various techniques to increase your odds of pulling the chase cards.


Think about what we are wasting our lives on…talking about detecting Pokémon cards using an X-ray device.

And here I am responding to it lol

Weighing packs will always be around unfortunately. I never did like the people who go into stores and cherry pick the packs either…hence maybe why an X-ray device will come in handy after all…

I’m probably off topic here but who cares at this point.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to spend a premium on a HEAVY pack just like anyone else. It’s always good to know “what you’re buying” in a sense.

It also attracts a lot is scammers and idiots. Saying it’s HEAVY when in fact it’s light or saying it’s weighed when it’s really not…you get the point.

When dealing with packs and sealed stuff, Just buy from reputable and trust worthy sellers at the end of the day.

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