theFierceStorm's Officially Licensed Pokémon Pin Collection

Hi all, I collect any and all officially licensed pokemon pins from around the world. My main focus are pins with a metal post, but I do have a few safety pin-back items, as well as a handful of custom pins. There are also pins that don’t have any dates, TM, copyrights, etc. on them but they appear mass produced for a specific event, I will generally collect them.

For a while now I have been trying to get all of my pins sorted and hung up on various display boards, but my collection has grown rather large… maybe I will accomplish this someday! But for now, I would like to share my progress of 1600+ pins.

My displayed collection:

Japanese AEON Promo and pokeball flip

Japanese Pokeball

Japan PC(Pokemon Center) Christmas, Australian 2000, and Search for Red Gyarados

Pokemon League, Various Promo and Preorder pins from around the globe. Custom Pins bottom right

Various Japanese sets, Australian 2000

Korean Set(left), Sealed PC Gameboy, Various Japanese sets

USA PC 25th Anniversary, Japan PC 10th Anniversary, PokePark 2005 set

TCG (Top Left group), Various USA PC singles and sets

~97% Japan Pins. Gacha, PC Logo, Tomy, many many sets here. There is also a wooden Lapras, the only official wooden pin I have ever found

Japan Gacha, Rubber Skytree Town Tower set

USA Pokemon Center

Japan Gacha, USA PC Pixel set, USA PC Evolutions, Japan AEON Promos

Japan: Vintage Plain silver back, Pokemon Quest, Gacha Puzzle

Also make sure to check out the Bulbapedia Pins page for information on English pins. My collection began with me scouring eBay for any TCG pin variant I could find, so I started this wiki page to document all TCG pins and it has ballooned from there.

Let me know if any additional close ups or pictures of the back of any pin are needed. I will do my best to answer questions on the origin of any of my pins but there are a few (especially foreign) that I know little about. I still have 95% of the original packing for the pokemon center and promo pins.

I am always interested in information or pictures of pins I do not own, and of course buying.

Thanks for looking!


Wow! I never thought I was a pin guy, but dang! These are so artfully arranged it makes me realize what to start doing this too! Nice work, sadly I’ve got no information on pins, just a passerby who thought they were very beautiful!

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Love, love, love this collection! Well done!

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Wow, such a cool and unique collection! I was looking for the only cool pin things I have got, and of course you have got them lol, so many pins :heart_eyes:

But when I found them on the pictures I noticed that the pin configuration was a bit different. Most notably the munchlax and the corphish have switched places, but the kecleon also seems to be placed a small bit different.

I dont know if this is something you would be interested in, but is a nice small detail I think.

Looking forward to further collection addition of yours!

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Amazing! Any more information on the wooden lapras pin? Also on the mini GX cards on the left? Pin collections are so cool to see displayed like this.

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Oh interesting, I have never noticed! Seems like the Corphish should probably be on the rock. I am just now noticing that the background of mine is a little sun faded as well, I might have to grab another if I see a decent deal.

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I grabbed this off of Mercari Japan a couple years ago and have never seen another one. The back of the Lapras pin says ©Pokemon.

Those 5 GX pins are a collaboration with BEAMS Japan, which is a clothing store in Japan.


Just got this package delivered this week. The 25th Anniversary set from EB Games Australia. They also had these Sinnoh starter head pins, so I grabbed them as well


Hiya, I love your collection! I used to collect primarily custom/fanmade pins for a while, but I didn’t realize the sheer amount of official pins that were released.

A couple of questions if you don’t mind:

  1. Are you worried about rust/oxidization in the long run?

  2. What search terms do you use to find pins on Japanese sites? From my searches they seem to generally refer to them as badges, but I don’t know if there’s any other terms I’m missing.

  1. I am now lol
  2. I search for both “Pins” and “Badges”, ピンズ gets me the most hits

Not official, but comes from the Amazon employee swag store. I guess Amazon has a mascot named Peccy and that is what the odd bean shape is based on.

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Recent Japan mail day. I have only ever seen the Blackboard Collection pin once, excited to get a hold of my own


Really impressive collection! Out of your 1600+ pins, do you have some favorites?

Wow! Amazing collection. This is one of the main reasons why I love this hobby/forum. You get to see people with really unique and fantastic collections. 1600+ pins would have taken a lot of time and dedication. Respect.

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Man it is tough to choose. The USA Pokemon Center has some really cool ones that flip, slide, or spin.

I recently got the giant Arceus pin, and it is huge, I love it.

I think I am stuck between the 15 framed PokePark pins and the 6 detective pikachu pins.
The 2005 PokePark looks so awesome, it makes me happy just knowing that thing existed for a brief time.
I really thought they knocked it out of the park with the Detective Pikachu movies. Those pins are from Singapore so they are fairly rare and I was lucky enough to stumble upon a listing on a Singapore website with a seller willing to ship to the USA.

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This collection is insane, congrats on putting this thing together @thefiercestorm , love it!

I love the presentation of the framed ones, they look so good together. Particularly those PokePark ones, what a fun set. Also those gacha road sign ones are really cool.

How on earth do you keep track of a collection like this when there’s so many pins and all their releases are so varied?


This collection is awesome. Colours everywhere…


I know 95% of my collection by heart. I also have several google sheets with many pictures on my ISO.

I struggle with remembering the Japan gacha pins and the US pokemon center pins of normal pokemon. Any holiday or unique pins I can remember, but the normal pokemon pins blend in with the TCG pins so I am constantly checking my pin boards.


Wow this is incredible! Are there any resources for items like this? I have tried to look up other Pokemon collectibles in the past and there seem to be few resources that are exhaustive. I might say your collection is the nearest thing to an exhaustive Pokemon pin list!

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This has definitely inspired me to want to start a small pin board!