日本のマーケット部分 The Giant Japanese Market Thread

The funny thing is that I priced these cards so much higher than everyone else at the original time of listing. Entertaining to see them suddenly become one of the cheapest options over time! The one thing with eBay buyers though, is that even if you’re already 20-30% cheaper than the next listing, it’s still somehow not cheap enough.


Once you’ve priced them higher they’ll probably sell within a day. Human thinking can be weird.


Nice profile pic!


Seems like there’s been a slight correction for a lot of the high end modern that shot up when English did. Alt art TTGX and V/VMax’s have started to slide back down a bit.


Keep sliding! :raised_hands:


I love those messages from people. It is a blaring warning siren that I need to raise my price and that I am the cheapest.

Funny how people try to low ball, In response I raise my price, not an hour later they send an offer of the original price I had it at :skull:

It’s a masterpiece every single time.


Well that was quick. Itll be interesting if the market actually cools off so quickly

Some cards really haven’t slid too much and are continuing to climb. It’s kinda funny how arbitrary the market seems at times.

Some cards seemed like they were correcting, and then have gone back up again, e.g, Giratina V from Lost Abyss.


Ive been waiting on that Giratina card since it came out. I still remember where I was when I saw the launch day prices, which were genuinely unheard of at the time (ahhh gone are the days). Ill probably just pop the Chinese one in my binder and call it a day.

Some of these cards have no business being anywhere near the price they are. English is the worst offender rn. Promos that have been a couple dollars-- you got people just casually holding lots of 50x because of how cheap and abundant these cards were just a few months ago. Such a weird time.


I picked up a raw NM copy for about 335 in late 2023, and have been wanting to buy another but can’t really justify it at these prices.

Thinking of doing the same (buying Chinese copies) for some of the truly out of reach cards, same/similar texture for a fraction of the price.

Edit: And I fully agree. I will die on the hill that the Magikarp from Paldea Evolved is one of the most artificial price surges ever.


Any guesses on the ETA of Glory to Team Rocket preorders on the Japanese Pokémon Center?

When the set is officially revealed (it hasn’t been revealed)

Next JP set is Heat Wave Arena