The Future of Pokemon Financially [Serious Thread]

WOT-SEA has been around since the early Magic days, that’s how we always referred to Wizards back then. :blush:


That depends if people really do believe it is a one off, and if the Pokemon company doesn’t do it again making it a one off. If they don’t do it again I think there will be very little impact on the hobby medium/long term. Maybe some impact on sets that are out right now. With the huge spike in interest it makes sense they would make the set with I am guessing the most expensive card in the current standard format legal (don’t do anything with English cards so not 100% sure on prices). Now if they started reprinting sets that weren’t standard legal then I would agree with you 100% even if it was one set

This could also make sealed product more expensive in the future. If people are worried about reprints, they don’t buy as much, then there isn’t a reprint and less product is on the market.

Haha I actually got Wotsee from an old wizards guy. So it is official wizards lingo! :sunglasses:

The Illustrator was 5k above the previous copy mentioned, which was relatively recent. I think Heritage expected a higher premium. The representative I spoke with was very apologetic about the false bidders. Not sure how much that effected the final price. Since the auction, I have received multiple offers on my personal copy, all at or above the final price of 55k. Interestingly enough, some of those individuals who offered consigned with heritage as well.

I am not referring to small time speculation. I am concerned for situations like

Haha…Ive used the Tulip Bulb analogy several times over the years :nerd_face:

As someone who works in financial planning and has a background in economics i find this an amazing piece in the history of money/asset markets. Can’t really imagine 1st edition base set zards crashing for a long time though :stuck_out_tongue:

They better not lol.

Is it too late to get in on the lucrative bulb market?


You can get some pretty dope tulips though I can see why people were offering 12 acres (5 hectares) for a couple of bulbs


Dang that’s beautiful.

I have a cousin who is a botanist. Sent that photo to him and he said it feels good to be in love.