Stock Market Being Crushed

Just wait till all those Boomers panic and want to get all their retirement savings out…and all the robo traders start hitting circuit breakers and auto sell everything on technicals…ho boy.

But seriously, interested to see where this goes.

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Poor Apple (and my holdings), down 20% in 2 weeks time.


Great time to buy more stocks.


Crazy how much of the worlds distribution is dependent on China. The other night at hockey one of the guys said they ordered equipment and it won’t ship until April because of the virus. The virus affects everything. Most believe this is temporary but only time will tell.

I personally have most of my holding in cash/not stocks. I feel for people who bought last week. Remember fear is contagious. Value always exists in every type of market, bull or bear.


If you didn’t already have all your play money in the stock market due to how hot the market has been.

I wonder if the goods China is shipping out have the ability to be contaminated due to the virus, if that’s the case I wouldn’t want anything manufactured in China for the foreseeable future.


It is crazy how much it is connected.

Agree on fear too…the market is based on fundamentals, sure, but market sentiment and “feeling” guides the economy more than people realize. Don’t catch a falling knife.

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This is why I only invest in coronavirus-proof PSA cases.


I’m in IT and we’re pretty backordered on hardware right now due to the stoppage in production there.


“Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.” -Baron Rothschild

It’s been discussed many times, but if we enter real recession territory then it will be interesting to see the effect it has on Pokemon. As far as the S&P500 right now it’s only lost about 16 months worth of gains, which given the past 10 years performance still puts it in a very solid territory as far as it’s compound annual growth rate goes. At 29 years old I’m not remotely thinking of moving to more conservative funds, I’ve got a long ways and many years of compounding to go. If anything my 401(k) is slightly more conservative than it should be, so maybe I will even move it more aggressive if we see a 20, 30, 40% drop.


We’re not in recession territory though. Like Swine Flu and Bird Flu, this will pass and the market should go back up steadily. This is a recoverable occurrence.


I hope it’s a sign for Europe to make serious efforts of moving parts of production back to the own territory. Same goes for all the other regions in the world. While China is gutting Africa out of resources in exchange for cheap loans and ‘free’ infrastructure the West is being slammed because suddenly nothing is being made. It wouldn’t hurt to move final assembly of a lot of electronics out of China. And for Europe, countries in the East and South are very capable of creating high quality electronics, just not for the slave-labour prices China is.

We have web shops in the Netherlands (basically an Amazon competitor) that already raised prices by 10%, turned off all affiliate programs and have no stock left after what is on the website is sold. They 100% relied on ‘order today, get restocked tomorrow’ and that supply chain is now broken.


Focusing on fundamentals and investment philosophy will be key amidst the fears. Although, it is wise to wait and let things go from horrible to less horrible.

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You guys are over here worrying about electronics and actual important products that are necessary. I’m over here wondering how many Kyrie colorways we’re gonna miss out on because of this :nerd_face:

If the virus can live on surfaces for any extended period of time, then we have a real problem.

Annnnd another 12 shares of UPRO for me, tyvm.

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Don’t get too scared. 48 hours is usually the max.

Stocks will rise and fall like the sun.

If you’re in it for the long-term you’ll be fine.

Meanwhile in the UK house prices are rising again, despite Brexit and coronavirus.

Are people really buying stocks? The market will drop more.

That’s the best time to buy…average down my guy