SS-present day Pokemon Center ETB tier list

Hi guys,everybody goes crazy for the surging sparks pc etb because of the promo,but if you were to make a tier list,what would it be for all the recent etb And pc etbs?I agree on the overall sentiment regarding the surging sparks and darkness ablaze etb,but thinking about the most recent sets,I really don’t know how to feel about the shrouded fable,brilliant stars,pokemon go,astral radiance ones which are some of the esiest to find today at decent prices

Are you talking about best promo? Best box art? Best cards in the set? What you think from an investment standpoint?

I believe(but feel free to argue otherwise) that the investment standpoint is strictly related to what you mentioned before,so no need to think about it.Mainly I was thinking about the etb overall and the promo is a big part of it

In my opinion, there is some inherent collectability about Pokemon Center ETBs that make them desirable, regardless of whether the promo is valued by collectors.