Snap Pikachu Best Photo

I am trying to figure out if this is labeled incorrectly or if this is actually a variant of the trainer Vol. 1 card. Obviously this is not the infamous snap Pikachu card.

Snap Pikachu

Just the regular Trainer Mag Vol 1 mislabelled as the infamous Snap Pikachu. There were dozens mislabelled, I thought PSA had stopped doing this…


The 49 cert says otherwise lmao

This happened to me maybe 2 months ago.

Somewhat on me, I wasn’t thinking when I put the label in - CoroCoro Best Photo when you’re just reading plain text sounds right unless you’re aware and looking at the picture.

so they’re still doing it.

lol yeah… the four sequential certs that I just graded indicate they are definitely still doing this ha ha

They also done goofed up on this…

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