smpratte tricks Rudy into buying more Pokémon cards

Shout out and everything!

What were the other boxes that he bought, Scott? lol


Poor Rudy being tricked into buying base set 2


Base Set 2 is a sleeper set. Just wait for it! In 10-15 years, Base Set 2 BGS10 Charizard is $250,000


“Scott! I know you’re watching this! smpratte over there, hiding down there in your 4th storey basement, I know you’re watching, Scott!”


Dude, I hope you’re right. The cosmos foil Charizard is a beautiful card.

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I wonder if he takes enough wotc boxes off the market it could have an effect on prices in the near future?

I wonder why he finally started talking about wotc booster boxes after spending a lot of money and effort on modern product?

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Can someone trick him into investing in Rayquaza cards.

K thanks.


He explains this in the video.

Wow a post about sealed product and Budget isn’t doing another joke about steam siege? Proud of you, bud.


Trick him into hoarding Steam Siege


This guy discovered Pokémon 20 years too late…

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I watched the video. Maybe I should’ve said why the sudden revelation? He’s been investing in wizards product for years, I get that he waited till after the pokemon go boom but I would’ve thought he had done this before 2015.

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Top quality question. Yes he definitely missed the point when he was buying all modern mass produced product. Especially when he doesn’t touch modern cards in magic, only sealed.

Kind of funny to see. I have my doubts he is dumping a lot of money into this showing the few boxes he did.

With his other buyouts he basically didn’t say anything until he could plaster his wall with it


Rudy wants to buy your pokemon product for a nickel lol

I’m surprised he did not start investing in old product sooner? Where was he leading up to 2016?

Basically just an announcement that he’s buying old wotc boxes at buylist so h doesn’t have to pay retail on eBay, can’t really go wrong with that.


Exactly. “hey guys I’ll buy your boxes for cheap if you want” thx Rudy.

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I’m sure he’ll do fine. He’s buying for under market value and is planning to hold long term.

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Pierce and Drew are right. It was simply an ad video,and he’s not doing it for a long term rathole (yes, I know your always watching like right now, Rudy…or alpha investments, with your 80s cell phone warming your ear hole. Lol).

He’s been getting a lot of requests for vintage Pokémon and this is his way to get some to sell;)

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Im surprised its taken him this long to put out a video like this, old wotc product is numero uno.

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