Hey guys! So I recently purchased a card from somebody who I trust is somebody who will ship what I’ve purchased! (I’ve done business with them before). The person shipped the card I bought by dropping it into the blue box on his street. Now I was unhappy about this in the first place seeing as how the item was of high value. I expressed my feelings respectfully, but he assured me he’d shipped items like this multiple times with no issues. So here we are. 5 business days later and no tracking update!! It doesn’t even say the item has been accepted into the system. I’ve read a few things online that say this is something that isn’t unheard of, but I wanted to see if you guys had any experience on this issue… the item was shipped from California, with destination Seattle… so I wouldn’t expect it to take very long… pretty irresponsible in my opinion, but this person is quite young, and doesn’t seem to really be worried… help!! Lol
While i don’t see any issue with putting “mail” into a mailbox, i used to send items using the same boxes and on one occasion the same happened to me. It was never scanned into the system, tracking never updated until it showed as delivered weeks later. By then the buyer had opened a case and i was forced to refund them. Anyhow, i almost always take items inside and use that slot or if it is of a higher value wait in line to get an acceptance receipt.
In your case i wouldn’t worry just yet. Sometimes mail is slow, gets misplaced in the system, however you want to look at it. As a percentage the chance if it getting lost is slim but could happen.
If your purchase involved ebay or similar, you’ll be covered. If not its a he said/she said and either they take a loss or you take it on the chin. Sorry
I wouldn’t even make a thread for 2 weeks. Things like this, and tons worse, happen all the time.
I don’t see any issue with putting mail in a mailbox either! But I wouldn’t call this mail, as much as a multi thousand dollar item traveling from a seller to a buyer. I’ll be patient and wait of course a fair amount of time, but one thing I’m getting sick of is people trying to save a few bucks on shipping when the items being sent are high value: I don’t believe there is any other hobby that is so careless with this type of thing as Pokémon cards! I guess it’s why some people are so picky who they buy off of and sell too! I sure hope this thing shows up! And thanks for the insight!!
This is why I pay G&S on every single payment I make now lol. Because if the seller wants to put a multi thousand dollar in a blue box and not take the proper measures of shipping an item i’ll just call paypal after a few weeks lol. That being said though all you can do is wait now
Even if I pay F$F I always use my credit card for big purchases!! Always covered
I’ve had issues with this sometimes when I ship stuff on vacation, very rural area. I don’t know the inner workings of the post office but I don’t think the collectors of the blue box mail will go through every single item and scan it. Even if they do it’s very easy for a package or envelope to get missed when you’ve got that much mail. It won’t show up on tracking for several days until it’s close to the destination/delivered. Not sure if there’s something within the tracking system where the origin scan ‘activates’ the number and there are issues if there isn’t an origin scan, but that would seem to be a possible explanation.
I’ll echo what others have said, its not an issue until quite a bit of time has passed. That being said, when possible I will always personally drop off an item at the post office and get a receipt to confirm acceptance. It’s a good habit to get into I think.
Hey there just wanted to update this! After about 10 business days the package just showed up in my mailbox! It was the first time they had scanned it in, was upon arrival! I was relieved to say the least.
Thank you for all of your info and concern!
Everybody should pay attention to your story. Like I said a week and a half ago,
“I wouldn’t even make a thread for 2 weeks. Things like this, and tons worse, happen all the time.”
Always give it a few weeks before stressing out cause, chances are, it’ll be in your box eventually;)