Shiny "SH" Pull Rates?

I am curious if the pull rates for the the SH shiny cards are similar to gold stars?

I know they are not very expensive, I have never opened any of the sets they came in.
I bought a collection I am nearly done sorting and there were a lot of the SH shiny cards in it, in conditions that should bring psa 9 when I Send them in.

Thanks. =)

I think the SH cards are way more common. I’ve never opened a booster box of Platinum sets but I used to pull many shinies from the packs that I opened. I think they used to be one per box or something. Gold Stars used to be 1 in 2 boxes

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I see is it the same the with SL Shining Legends cards too?

There are 2 Shining cards per box in Japanese Shining Legends boxes. No idea how the pull rate will be in the English set :blush: