Set of the Fortnight #38 - EX Power Keepers

Very clean. Beautiful simple art

I like that one too. It’s a big contrast to the EX cards in this set which have kind of a dark and menacing look for pokemon. I think that’s why I’m a fan of this and some of the other EX series.

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I’m just finishing collecting all the ex’s from ex era. I skipped team rocket returns temporarily tho. I’d like to also go back for the regular holo’s. There’s so many beautiful cards and so many sets even when I skim out all the Commons uncommons etc there’s still a ton to collect. But that’s one thing I love! Because there’s always something to look forward to. And once sets are complete you can always upgrade conditions or grades or move onto promos possible trophies things like that. Or Japanese exclusive cards :slight_smile: Edit also I love some of the holo Kabutops in ex era as well especially the one of Kabutops swimming

Yeah there are a lot of EX era sets. And lots of EX cards too. Congrats on being close to done. I’ve been slowly going through them one set at a time. Haven’t gotten to team rocket returns though. So many cards! But yeah I’m with you on the EX art. Dark and cool. Kabutops took a dark turn in some of the sets for sure, and there’s some great Kabutops art that stands out

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This set takes me back.

I remember playing ruby and sapphire version on the game boy over and over again.

I’ve collected this entire set raw in Nm-mint. Absolutely love it.

Fave artwork would have to be the Zard. Simple but effective. The ninetales always stands out to me too.

I was putting together my majestic dawn and platinum collections and found a couple of these. Now I have to complete the set lol.

I think I gave most to my nephew back in the day but I dont think it was any of the good ones.

Now seeing the set online and the cards that actually are available I was blown away at the gold star eevee evolutions, mostly the price lol but the artwork is fantastic. Its cool to be able to get a charizard too that isnt too dear.

They really havent hit the market too much here in Aus so Im watching smaller sites online hoping someones is like im chucking these if anyone wants which happens sometimes and seeing if there is any that I need.

I actually quite like the energy cards in this set coming from WOTC base set

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My absolute favorite set but not in English, in Japanese ! I love the history behind WCP, and love the rarity of it.
My favourite cards are the 3 gold stars, in unlimited edition ! The rarest PSA 10 japanese gold stars !