Sealed prices EX/WOTC vs DP/HGSS

Hmm, I do see a 1st edition symbol on the box, but no 1st edition symbol on the packs! Are those packs yours? If not, where did you get these pictures from? Sorry for all the questions, but apart from the three gen 2 starters I’ve never ever seen any unlimited edition L1 cards. If those are unlimited edition L1 packs that’s an immense discovery. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Sorry to go off-topic. I don’t collect sealed packs/boxes, so can’t add much to the topic. I only own one sealed pack (Red Logo Fossil pack); one sealed box (Japanese SM Sky Legend box); and one sealed theme deck (unlimited Base Set ©1999-2000 ZAP! theme deck) personally…
I do see a price increase of almost everything Pokémon lately though, especially sealed products. Maybe if you compare the prices of half a year ago for now, these Platinum, DP, and HGSS era packs have increased by a similar amount (percentage-wise) as the WotC and EX era packs?
