Reserve Prices and Bidding

“You’re the highest bidder but the reserve price has not been met”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but for it to reach the bid amount I entered, someone needs to compete with me to push it up to that price?

Frustrating if that is in fact the case.

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Examples for demonstration:

If the item is listed for 99 cents and has no bids with a reserve of $100 an $80 bid will secure you the lead bid at $0.99 with the reserve not being met. You will outbid anyone up to $80 as they bid. The item will not sell even if you or anyone else “wins” it below $100.

If the item is listed for 99 cents and has no bids with a reserve of $80 a $100 bid will secure you the lead bid at $800 with the reserve being met and the auction continuing as a normal auction does. You will outbid anyone up to $100 as they bid and whoever ends as the high bidder will actually win the item.

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I know what you’re after and the guy isn’t selling for realistic prices. His reserve is $400 on that charizard.

Haha, my niche is too obvious to remain anonymous!

On reflection - that card has a slight dint in it anyway, so it wouldn’t get a 10 as I assumed it might on my initial inspection.

One of these days I’ll get the 10 I deserve.

Thanks man, nicely explained.