Hello everyone, my name is Ray and i collect prerelease pokemon cards. I occasionally collect other randoms but my true passion is the prerelease promos. I have a complete set of regular variants spanning from the very beginning till now. I am currently trying to complete the staff variants. Most of yall know me by now but for the new ones ive changed this a million times but it has been a really fun journey and it still has a long way to go. Idk what im doing at this point just having a good time really, and aiming to be recognized pretty much everywhere as the “prerelease guy”. I collect them mostly due to missing out as a kid (short version). I have learned a ton coming here and taking all the info in, and i love that there is always more to know. I grew up through the 90s so ive been a fan since day one. Anyway i try to be pretty active and post new stuff right away, so im sure you will see more of me
Im very attached to my collection and each card is very special to me.
Below is the binder, my pride and joy. A labor of love and ill never get tired of it. Its amazing seeing them all together like this and child me would never believe it.
I collect loads of other things as well, some of note being stamped promos and psa 10 prerelease cards. I share a lot and if you browse this thread youll see all sorts of stuff from my collection!
Some random stamped stuff and promos from my collection.
Some graded
It has been finished lads, now the slide show is put together in order and im done messing with it for now lol
Big thanks to @Dyl (clefable) and @Alucaryn @citriina (Scarlet and violet staff set) for helping me add some wonderful pieces to my collection. This community has been wonderful.
The stamps all together in your binder look lovely all laid out! I’m happy to have been able to help!
Im so glad everything worked out as it did, they found their forever home thank you so much 
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The stamped cards really make for a cool ‘at-a-glance’ timeline of the TCG. Nice collection!
Gamestop collection updated, koraidon has been added maintaining the complete sealed set 
Really enjoy the updates here and i agree that the full rows look great, hoping to see both prerelease and staff collections completed in future, the evolutions zards are a bit heavy but perhaps with enough time!
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That whole line is gonna be tough. Figured ill cross that bridge when i get to it. Some of the bigger name ones are going to take luck but someone on this forum mentioned they were aware they would probably never complete there set but its a really fun journey and that resonated hard with me
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Ok i couldnt wait to show the reorganization, theres a long way to go but these two pages are actually done and 
you guys i think im gonna complete the regular one for sure for sure. Looking at prices of xy charizard non staff has me hopeful.
Op list is updated too. More pics to come!
Looks fantastic
I love organising my collection. It’s so satisfying.
Thank you! Ive been putting it off thinking i wouldnt get anywhere with the collection but its actually really coming together so i had to fix it up 
Some mail came today! Idk why i was worried about that volcanion. 3 USD for it seemed really cheap and its in beautiful shape. Eh typical me worrying about nothing. The dark houndoom is gorgeous! And then theres the super handsome garbodor. 
Other possibility for that wotc row is to fill the empty slot with european variant of prerelease aerodactyl, you would get a full row and don’t have to crack your clefable slab or find another binder copy 
I have a weird thing with putting doubles next to each other. I understand variants are different but i have a binder that has spots for them.
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Some random shares of my collection and some somewhat better pictures of others. I like a lot of different stuff and have been slowly adding to my random binders.
Anyway heres some eevee stuffs. I mean how can you not love him. Peep the orb placement on the eevee above the flower 
And then my favorite “gimmicky” cards id say, and my favorite row on my ditto page (in progress)
Then some of my nostalgia stamps
Manaphy page ive been working on because hes cute as heck
And last but not least that staff volcanion filled another page in the staff binder. I will probably end up reorganizing this fella as well or possibly moving to a 12 pocket to keep the rows neat and in order, only if it goes anywhere though.
Happy easter guys! Thanks for the love on here 

Monday brings more mail and more updates!!
More mail! That should be it i think, maybe one or two still coming. Gonna be a little bit on updates after this, approaching some of the higher end ones and im gonna take those slow. Clefable is a place holder for my prerelease slab