i now own this card, so bummed about it being played, but it is extremely rare.
i now own this card, so bummed about it being played, but it is extremely rare.
Nope, print amount for that card is 1000. Rayquaza EX Pokemon Game Show was limited to 8 copies.
1000 copies and inflated immensely. It shows the power of trend and cool artwork.
Thniking of putting it up for sale, will help me get some more pikachus
Probably could get like $50-100 in that condition.
$50-$100??? no way in hell.
Hard but still possible, for comparison mint raw singles have ended between $400 and $500.
Yeah but it plummets drastically with each crease/bend. It looses all appeal. Unless it has meaning behind it then its worth more to the original owner. I have a fucked up Lt.Surge’s Magneton. I gave it to my little cousin. He decided to TAPE (@garyis2000) it to a shoe box that he used as a wrestling ring. When I saw it my soul left my body. I cringed as I removed the tape. Now it is in my collection again, creased, bent, but it has meaning. haha *tears*
I’ll pay 100 …cents!
Still a neat looking card.
I think this is the one you were looking for (8 copies)
I think this is the one you were looking for (8 copies)