Ranking All English Gold Stars

Looking forward to seeing the results!

For me, the Hoenn starter trio always felt like they had more care put into their artwork than the others, making them my top picks.

After that I really like the “no nonsense” pose of Pikachu and how well Fukuda’s style works with Pokemon’s mascot.

Also have a soft spot for the Regis. They are criminally underrated gold stars that showcase phenomenal colour composition between their inorganic designs and the background.

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I hate it bc of the stamp :()


Decent number of voters so far! Quite looking forward to seeing the results, will go to show how art is so subjective. NGL will be sour if Regice, Suicune and Pikachu are not near the top.

Why is liking and disliking Greninja both an unpopular opinion?

Greninja looks a bit… wet to me, like a bit too much highlights were put on it, I also dislike the stamp and the new holographic. Could’ve been an absolute banger yeah, but it missed the mark if you ask me.

That was fun! Hope to see more threads like this


I felt like a PSA grader. I’ll just slap a few random 8s and 3s on a few of these.


the single culprit



Gold stars are pretty average compared to other shiny/shining sets IMO. A few of them have cool arts but overall nothing crazy. One of the main things that disappoints me with these is that quite a few of the Pokemon selected don’t have noticeable color differences. I also think that an entire set of delta species would have been amazing, instead of the handful we got.

The way I see it is they are better than most modern shiny Pokemon cards, but not better than Neo Shining, Call of Legends, Black & White series, etc.

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your pokemon (ok, and profile pic) give away your love for dpp shies xD <3

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Completely agree. Price does weird things to the brain

when results

And please continue this series @pfm with other types of cards/rarities!

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Very fun thread. I haven’t taken a close look at these artworks in a long time

I only awarded one 10 (it was objective and unbiased i assure you), and the rest landed in the 6 to 9 range.

If you asked me to rank without looking I wouldn’t have expected the Regis to come so high for me but this thread made me decide I need to pick them up