QR codes in SM5 booster packs?

In the newest Japanese sets there promotional cards in each booster pack with pictures of Mythical Pokemon and a QR code (and the other side features pictures of Z-Moves etc). Are these codes useful for something? I guess it’s something that only benefits Japanese players?

It would be nice to know if somebody has an idea what are they for as I was wondering if I should save them or not :blush:

Does Japan have an online option like we have with PTCGO?

Its not exactly like the PTCGO like we do in the U.S… The one given in Japan with SM5 is a download code for mythical pokemon, similar to the QR codes you can get from GameStop for special pokemon.

There is an expiration date on the codes, and they are only effective until 4/30/2018. You can not only receive Mythical pokemon but also receive items such as Nuggets, rare bone, etc. I think its beneficial to japanese players but try it out on an english game and it might just work.

How it works:

  • receive a code from a booster pack, pokemon goods, or participating stores in Japan.
  • Input the code into the website: www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/ultra2017/
  • sign up and input the code, and receive item or Pokemon from the code generated on website.

I don’t think there is any real value into keeping the codes IMO

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Oh, that’s interesting. Thanks for the information :blush: I doubt it will work with my European game but I guess it’s worth a shot

Ive scanned these codes off of people opening them on Youtube with my English S&M and only ever get pokedex data from them.

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