Welcome to the next Question of the Day! Once we get a few more, Im sure an archive thread will be made and linked. Helpful Considerations may or may not help some people focus their answer, these are blurred to not bother those who have their own ideas.
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The Question of the Day is my way to facilitate community discussion to help members ponder the unanswered questions of the world that are somehow relating to the hobby. Questions are many times open ended and up to interpretation. Feel free to post your thoughts in as much or as little detail as you’d like.
Today’s Question: QotD: Which Pokemon would be most appropriate to narrate your life?
Helpful considerations: Of course mewtwos voice would be soothing. Maybe you live a slower life and slowpoke is more your speed. Or do you prefer the narration style of metapod?
I considered something fairly mild that wouldnt be obstrussive like a magnemite to narrate it but it didnt have enough expression so Im thinking Chansey would narrate my life. The high points, the low points, i think chansey would be able to emote my life nicely.
I feel like both Ghastly and Entei could do a solid job based on the anime! (Slowking would be my actual answer, but I tried to pick something different, haha)
I imagine the Gengar from Mystery Dungeon Special Episode narrating my life …
It was dubbed by Gabriel Ortiz (R.I.P) for the Latin American Spanish dub of this episode …
I imagine Gengar narrating something like:
"Y entonces Omanyte está a punto de tomar la peor decisión financiera del año … tremendo perdedor … jajajajajaja "
(And then, Omanyte is about to take the worst financial decision of this year … what a loser … hahahahaha "