Pulpyfan's Collection

The Legendary Birds of Gen I soared through the air and conquered the skies. Three icons of the franchise. Gen II brought us something new and re-envisioned the legendary trio. Enter the Legendary Beasts, champions of the earth! The threesome proved to be a wonderful counterpart to the original trio with a strong back story and great design.

Suicune, Raikou and Entei made their introduction on the GameBoy’s Gold, Silver and Crystal versions. Legend has it that Ho-Oh revived the beasts after the Brass Tower burned. According to Bulbapedia, “they are said to embody the three events that happened to the tower: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned in the tower, and the winds and rain that put it out.” A fitting way to attribute the energy typing to the legendary trio. In the games, they are known for roaming the regions of Johto. They are exceedingly enigmatic creatures. But along your travels from route to route, if you’re patient and persistent enough, you may encounter one of the Legendary Beasts. Best come prepared though, as they’ll flee almost upon first sight.

While officially known as beasts, I’ve always preferred the ‘Legendary Dog’ moniker. The dogs have been honored with some amazing artwork over the years. It’s been a joy collecting them. It’s hard not to love a good trio.

I’ve decided to start scanning my cards rather than taking photos, the results are night and day. Thanks for inspiring me to update my collection @brendantheclayboy. Your work on Indexing the Elite Forum Collections was quite the feat.

Update June 23, 2021 - The Legendary Beasts: