Pulpyfan's Collection

The original psychic duo, Alakazam and Gengar. Two iconic Pokémon, adored by many and great additions to the Pokémon universe. They might share the same energy type, but Alakazam and Gengar have vastly different personalities. Gengar’s mischievous and frightening. There’s somewhat of a duality about Gengar. Sometimes he is a ghoulish figure lurking in the shadows. Other times he’s smiling with that shit-eating grin. Hauntingly playful. Alakazam is of a different ilk. Sagacious and wise. This mustached spoon-bender resembles a master that’s been honing their abilities for decades. I love them both, and you’d be hard fought to not find one or both of them in my Pokémon party of six.

Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! What a lovely incantation harkening back to the centuries old magic saying “abracadabra”. Abra, this little guy was usually sleeping but could teleport around the map in style. What a useful travel partner. And Kadabra introduced those characteristic spoons. Unfortunate what happened to him with the Uri Geller controversy. But times have changed, and Kadabra could be slated to return to the TCG.

Gastly and Haunter hold true to the ghost architype. Purplish hazy figures. Gastly was a goofster in the anime, probably where Gengar got his playfulness. Haunter accentuates the creepiness with his devilish licks and stalking behavior. Reminds me of Boo from Mario. The whole evolution line is well designed and the final product of Gengar does feel like the sum of its predecessors.

2009’s Platinum: Arceus Gengar LV.X:

  • Stunning card. The red eyes pop and the outside-the-boarder attack is menacing. The LV. X Pokémon really shine in that regard, reminds me of Gold Stars. They really got the holo right on these cards. All that with a smile on his face, classic Gengar.

2002’s Expedition Alakazam:

  • Cross legged and slender with a deliberate focus. This captures the essence of Alakazam.

2003’s Skyridge Alakazam:

  • Dark and angry. Masago’s use of symmetry in the Pokémon illustrates poise and control. The color red in the bottom right helps balance the blackness. Red also traditionally warns of anger and danger, all of which I feel looking at this art. Boy does Alakazam look hard in this depiction.

2010’s Triumphant Haunter:

  • My favorite Haunter artwork. The reaching hand and the haunting grin, all while shrouded in darkness. Haunter looks to be racing toward his next victim.

Update Feb 19, 2021 - Gengar & Alakazam: