Pulpyfan's Collection

The Legendary Birds. Titans of fire, ice and lightning. Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres are the original legendary trio. Collecting these winged titans is a joy. Their quintessential colors really make a binder page pop. Not to mention they fill out a 9-pocket sleeve sheet so well.

Below I’ve highlighted some of my favorites. One page I decided to create off-the-cuff to showcase Fossil Zapdos, the Gym Set Birds and the Supreme Victor’s Trio. Typically, I’ve kept these cards with their sets, but it was hard to omit such great illustrations.

1998’s Quick Starter Gift Set Trio:

  • Incredible artwork on all three birds. Really captures their personalities. Zapdos unleashing a ferocious lightning display. And fittingly, the Power Plant in the background as a tribute to the original games. Moltres in a controlled blaze of fire. And Articuno perched elegantly atop a rock. Beautiful set.

2003’s Skyridge Trio:

  • The Skyridge aesthetic is beloved by many; and here the 3D design and anime-esque features do the Legendary Trio proud. Zapdos fully charged and on the brink of unleashing an electric storm. Moltres flying through the mountains, fiery body on full display. Articuno cooling the evening air as it passes over stone architecture.

2001’s Web Series Trio:

  • Love the holo blasts from Articuno and Moltres. Happy to have holographic versions of the iconic black star promo artwork.

2019’s Stained Glass SM Promo:

  • Great way to pay tribute to the Legendary Birds. The art style is steeped in history. The mosaic pairs the ancient history of stained glass with the mythos of the legendary trio. Along with the Hidden Fates Full Arts, the Sun & Moon promo makes for a lovely four card set.

Update Jan 3, 2021 - Legendary Birds: