PSA Now Recognizes "No Illus." Blastoise

I reached out to PSA to see whether they’d recognize a “No Illus.” Error Base Set Blastoise that I picked up, and to my surprise, they said they’ve already begun to recognize it. If anyone has one of these incredibly rare error cards, you can send it in for an appropriately labeled slab.


Is that what this is?

That’s something different. The Illustrator error is the rarest Base Set Blastoise misprint. It is missing the word “Illus.” in the bottom left corner, like the example here.


Now if only psa could recognize all the other errors…


I’ll be sending this little guy to get the new label. Are there any 10s out there!?


So I’ve seen cards listed as the No Illus. Error card where parts of the “Illus” was smudged out but it wasn’t completely gone. Would those cards count as a “No Illus.” error for PSA’s purposes?

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Huge range on this error. Where will psa draw the line?

Presenting the almost all there but not quite illus error blastoise.


If a 10 did show up (which I don’t find too likely now), it would also need to match the purity of the error to rival the 9 I posted.

By this, I mean it would need to be missing the “Illus.” completely (I’ve yet to see one as missing as mine—the entire “Illus.” is erased, not just partially obscured—usually, like in the post above, the word is just partially faded). So not only is this error exceedingly rare in the first place, the variance in the error severity is huge.

To get an idea of the relative scarcity of the Illus. error, just compare the current numbers between the two different Blastoise errors:

These numbers might change slightly in the future (PSA has been acknowledging this error for about a year now).

But to have a 10 that is also just as quintessential with the “Illus. Error” would be incredibly unlikely. Obviously, nothing is impossible, but I wouldn’t expect to see it.

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Congratulations on your soon-to-be PSA 10. A PSA 10 would go for what someone is willing to pay. I would guess between $4,000-$10,000.

Just a reminder about tactically posting cards that you intend to sell. :wink:


Do not attempt to tactically post items you are going to sell. This includes asking for “advice” on “how to sell” specific items.

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