PSA Label Type doesn't match - Please help

I purchased a PSA 9 Skyridge Umbreon H30 last week. I just notice the PSA Label type on the slab I got didn’t match the one on the picture I was sent.
The first picture was the close up the seller sent me and matches PSA Cert Verification and has an * next to the label.
Picture 2 was what I received and posted on “Whats your most Recent Purchase”. The Cert number matches but the PSA Label doesn’t seem to make or has the holo on it.
Did I get scam with the seller maybe switching the label?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

A little confused but are you talking about the PSA logo itself?

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Yes, that’s what I am referring to. Sorry for the confusion, that’s just what the PSA site calls it.

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All good, I should have clicked your link first. No clue what to make of it but it is a bit strange

Looking at the two pictures, those are different labels right? Or am I just missing something.

More likely different angle of light.


Take a different picture with a direct above angle and flash on.


Okay, thank you, I’ll try that when I get home.

Appreciate the reply, will do that when I get home.
Didn’t know it the logo on picture is reflective.

*The appearance of the hologram on the cert verification page indicates that the item in question was encapsulated, either via authentication/grading or our re-holder service, with the embedded PSA hologram on the label.

It’s unnecessarily sus looking but all it says is that the hologram logo is on the label


Yes that label can be frustrating. I had scans for one of my ebay consignments that completely removed the hologram. Luckily I did a video of the cards showing the hologram.

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Ahh there we go. I glossed the page and didn’t see the footnote! Thanks pfm :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for your replies, I found the picture I took on my phone and zoomed in to the psa logo, and it does seem to have silvery boarder. Guess my bad picture and the way the PSA site has the weird * footnote made me question myself and panicked.