PSA Error Recognition - No Damage Ninetales

I found an old thread from 2016 on this but it didn’t really have a resolution and didn’t wanna comment on a dead thread.

But why won’t PSA recognize certain well known errors. In this case the no damage Ninetales error? I feel as though the no stage error Blastoise is a good example of a similar error. I’ve been emailing back and forth with their customer service and this is what they’ve said so far:

“We are currently not notating that variety on the label of the card, but we can authenticate it. We are aware that this is a legitimate error card but we have not created a variety for this particular error card for the moment. We might be able to change that in the future, but for now things will stay the same.”

My question is since it’s recongized by them and they will authenticate it, what if anything can we do to get them to create a specific label for it? Anyone have any experience with convincing PSA? Or should I just let it go?

Thanks all. First post woo!

100% up to them. There’s no rhyme or reason, just keep buging them and hope for the best. That’s how I got trainer deck, helped get no rarity, and have been trying for other things.

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This week they replied to my request, Here is their reply (the next post will be my reply to Rene’s message:

Hello Gary. First off, congrats on hitting the 25 year mark with PSA. I wish I had better news,

I appreciate your patience as the research department came to a conclusion on this situation.
PSA has decided that we are not going to grade Ninetales cards that have the “no damage” error.
Of course, as you know we have graded them in the past, but the research determined that we will not grade them at this time.
That doesn’t mean that we won’t ever grade them in the future.
Currently there is not sufficient information available to verify the error.
Sometimes factory errors can stop us from grading a card.
Unfortunately, that is the case for this error.

I apologize for the results and I hope you understand our position.

Talk soon,
Rene Valdez
PSA-PSA/DNA Customer Service Supervisor
p 800.325.1121 | f 949.567.1311 |


Here was my reply to the above email:

Hi Rene and thanks for the message.
Can you get me an official answer to one question then?
The below Base unlimited set Blastoise is missing the word “stage”. You both grade and designate it as a STAGE ERROR.
How is the Base unlimited set Ninetales missing the “80” damage number situation different? It has been and is a famous error that has been recognized by EVERY Pokemon site and expert for nearly 20 years.
To the Pokemon community it is an identical situation.
Please supply the name of the person who is giving the official explanation because it will be used for publication.
Thank you,


Great response/rationale Gary!

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Well, That Sucks!!!

I’m not sure how I feel about hearing that… On the one hand, I’m thinking that the graded copies will increase in value faster now that PSA will not be grading anymore. On the other hand, I really enjoy collecting these cards within PSA Cases / Grades - they look really good within the PSA Cases! Plus, that kind of puts a damper on my goal of collecting a PSA 1-9 Set… I literally just purchased a No Damage off @tony that I was planning to submit for grading! @tony I don’t think I want that card anymore… LOL No, JK.

Few Questions:

1.) I have a few of these cards already graded that I am looking to get re-cased into the newer-style cases. Would they still have this service available; or would they refuse to do something like this since they’re not grading anymore of these cards?

2.) If they’re not grading these cards anymore, does that also mean that they’re not going to “Authentic” these cards either? Would it still be possible to submit these cards into PSA under the Authentication-Only Service?

I don’t understand why it is so difficult for them to grade it and label it. Isn’t it self evident that it is real? Can’t they use “professional authenticating” techniques to verify the legitimacy of the card stock, holo foil, ink, etc? It’s a total no brainer. They even published the card’s prices in their SMR magazine, including the $6500 PSA 10 sale.

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WHAT!? I just submitted one for grading 3 months ago through @smpratte. So now I can expect to get a “no grade” for it? How does that make any sense!? It’s literally been graded as an error previously. Who is the idiot that decided it cant be graded anymore!?

Im going to call PSA personally and complain ASAP. You wait 3 months for a legit card to be graded and they simply decide it shouldn’t be for no reason? What about the diglett error, dark dragonite error, “d” edition butterfree, jungle promo pikachu? Why are they all graded or is that gonna be halted too?

I paid 300 bucks for my no damage ninetales so this is upsetting… as you can see…


Gary, who do you recommend calling to make personal complaints or bring awareness? I will gladly do this “multiple” times.

I don’t know his position but Bryant Salgado is one of the higher ups I’ve talked to.

email and or phone #?, I don’t have the phone #, but you would just call PSA and ask for him.

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Ive had one of these setting at psa since the end of march, i didnt put anything special on it when i sent it in because the ones i saw already graded had no error in the tags. Will they still grade it, or will i get the no grade on it?

Wow, that’s really interesting you got this response from them and I had the same argument back to them about the same exact Blastoise card.

What’s even weirder is that the person I was emailing with, his name was Carlos, said they would still authenticate the card and now they are saying they won’t.

I actually just had one come back from psa graded by them earlier this week from an April sub.

Someone else can correct me if I’m wrong but most likely it will just receive the same label as if it was the non-error version.

Yes. We complained about the same time and referenced the Blastoise lol.

I’m guessing they could be snuck in amongst other cards and get graded?

Nick@ that’s a great question about recasing. We can just hope they don’t notice it.

Scott just got my cards in and they DID NOT GRADE my error ninetales. Freakin ridiculous. It was the original reason I wanted to send my cards in to get graded to begin with.

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That’s a shame, sorry to hear that. Was really hoping for this to get recongnized… Like already said, it should be no difference between this and the No-stagestoise and above all the No HP Persian.

If you guys start one of those (usually useless) petitions, I’ll sign it. Also if there is a “pester PSA day” where everyone calls in complaining about the same thing; I’ll do my part.

Did you mention “no damage” on the sub form?