PSA 9 Shadowless Venusaur UNDERVALUED!?

I personally never understood why Venusaur gets so little love compared to Blastoise, but I recently picked up a PSA 9 Shadowless Venusaur for $210. The PSA 8 only goes for about 50 dollars less it seems, so I think it was a no brainer to grab it while I could.

Meanwhile, Blastoise sells for a lot more and other PSA 9 Shadowless holo cards aren’t too far off from Venusaur. The big green dinosaur should get more love in my opinion! I think he could see some big gains in value along with the rest of the shadowless set.


I think Venusaur is undervalued as well. Good buy on that PSA 9

I agree! I think part of it is just the artwork and how it’s perceived. Blastoise and charizard are just ready for battle and grab your attention more. Venusaur kinda looks like a stoned tree thing ready for some snacks and a nap. LOL Don’t get me wrong, blastoise looks like he could be an extra in the movie Heavy Weights! ha But seriously I always envision these cards partly how they were when I first watched the indigo pokemon tv series. Venusaur to me was awesome but blastoise and charizard were just slightly more likable. Yea, sorry if all that doesn’t make much sense. Just how I see it.

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Poor green guy

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You could’ve bought it <$150 less than a year ago so can’t say it’s not making progress.

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I think it’s undervalued as well, $210 seems like a good buy.

Fat Pokemon need luvin too :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the artwork is not the best, I prefer the cd/black star promo venusaur artwork he looks more badass to me! If that artwork was for the base set card I reckon the card would get more love and be valued higher.

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I agree 100%. I love that art and have one mint and another sealed. Love that card. What’s it going for as a 9 now?

It’s just not as popular it seems. The 10s were crazy undervalued for a while too(sub $1000). The 9s seem priced just about right. It will probably shoot up to $250-300 soon, but honestly even Blastoise was $250 just a few months ago(October-ish).

I’ve sold a copy for 250 already :blush:

It will always be undervalued, just like Blastoise will always be undervalued compared to Char…

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Fun fact: In PSA 9 Venusaur has sold more times than Blastoise.

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Sugimori artwork almost always trumps Arita IMO. Though the Arita Charizard from base set appears to be a favorite obviously.

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Shadowless venusaur has made huge progress in less than a year and will continue to do so as current prices on shadowless set soares. Make note that shadowless has only got serious recognition only just recently and you can tell by how fast prices have gone up on psa 10s. 9s will follow shortly I’m certain. Look at psa 10 shadowless venusaur the value has literally gone up 4 times it’s value in less than a year. I just bought one literally last year for near $500 in Octoberish. Id say thats good progress.

There’s really just never been many Blastoise 9s out there and the people who have aren’t really moving them.

Shadowless 9s are cards you don’t come across that often.

230ish is a solid price range for shadowless Venusaur , a couple copies in PSA 10 have sold within the 1500 price range past couple months. I don’t think it will catch up to blastoise , especially the PSA 10 price , but it’s finally realizing it’s true value

And since making this post the saur has risen a fair bit :open_mouth:

I can’t help but read your posts in Ben Shapiro’s voice since you kinda look like him in your picture. lol

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Wow, you’re right! They seem to have all dried up! All I’m seeing now is 300 and up pricing and the sold listings have all gone up too! One was over 350!