PSA 10 cards missing (possibly stolen?) at PSA

Hi I did a Psa submission with Dave & Adams EU.
they got my graded cards back at their store, however I was notified 3 of my cards were not included in the box despite being on the list and have since been reported “missing”. One of the three missing cards I was upcharged on by Psa and all 3 of these cards were graded a Psa 10

Psa would have it “sorted” yesterday whatever that meant…

Psa has instead asked D&A for video evidence of signs of tampering with the box, D&A obliged and said there are no signs of tampering with the box and submitted their Video evidence to Psa.

starting to look like they will not turn up anytime soon if at all, I’m hesitant to post the cert #’s and what exact cards they are but from my estimate it’s around $4460 in losses. to me it’s not even about the money as i got the cards graded for my collection, absolutely heartbreaking scenario.

since this is probably the craziest thing that has happened in my 8 years of the hobby I figured I would post it here.

Seriously hope they will find my cards but i’m not very optimistic.


Edit1: Psa has deleted the scans & deactivated the Cert numbers from their database.


Wow that sucks, but I would think Dave and Adam’s or PSA will have some liability / be on the hook since you utilized this and obviously one of them was responsible for the lost cards…

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The cards that did make it back to Europe are at the D&A store atm (who instantly rang alarm the moment they realized cards from the sub were missing), i chose to not receive them back until the situation is concluded, i’m sure either party will be liable… i just hope i will be adequately compensated
which i fear currently.


Ooof that sucks. Why must there always be this unnerving element of cards possibly getting lost or stolen when grading? Especially from Europe. This story just destroyed all the confidence I built up to finally send some cards to PSA (via D&A). I know it’s the exception, not the rule, but it simply should never happen. Arrrgggh.

Good luck getting your cards back or at least an appropriate compensation!


Thanks for the kind words, and you’re right the Eurozone in general is the hobby on hard difficulty.
which is why i dread a valuta compensation as i l just want the cards.

D&A have been very communicative.

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Dave & Adams is one of the biggest card retail companies around and have been around for a long time, I would have confidence that they will make it right. Just sucks to go through that process and especially if it was more like a piece for collection and not necessarily value compensation making it right… good luck though sir


yep, i’ve had these cards tucked away from before the pandemic, as during the pandemic Psa was closed and I absolutely didnt wanna risk shipments to the usa during it with how clogged mailsystems were. it’s a really tough one to swallow at the moment.

again appreciate the support :3.

This is pretty unusual.

From my experience, it takes quite a while until PSA resorts to deactivating cert numbers. When I had my Crystal Golem stolen, it took them weeks to deactivate the cert, and they asked for tracking information, police reports, and communication with the shipper.

did you read the thread? allegedly the cards were graded and never left Psa and were either lost or stolen within the company.

last few days they’ve been investigating what happened.

Yes, I read the thread. I’m just saying that it took some time for them to resort to deactivating the cert for me. I understand that it may be different when the onus is likely on them and not on a shipper.

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ah yeah i see, i’m sorry you lost the card… for me it’s the same… some things money just cant really replace and the beauty and the beast of this hobby is sadly that being the case for most things in our collections.

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Tough to see.

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Today I got an update on this situation, Psa wants to pay me out $2,1k for 3x grading fees + upcharge
and the 3 “missing” or stolen Psa 10 cards.
the money covers the cheapest card & most expensive card (excl taxes) and i’m out the third card completely which is around 1-2k usd (excl taxes)

they’re paying out based on the submitted value at the time (and seemingly not a cent more), however the cards rose exponentially while sitting at psa.
if only they upcharged the other card as well (which tbh i expected them to do)

this situation is absolutely fucked.
no humanity at all in resolving this situation with customer satisfaction in mind, just hellbent on covering their own base & minimise losses.

Are they covering it based on what you listed for insurance or the market value? If it is the former, what did you put down for insurance on the three cards?

in 20/20 hindsight I should’ve just maxed out the regular tier values, but since one of the 3 cards was upcharged I guess they had to payout $1500…
absolutely sad they missed out upcharging the other missing card… as it would’ve been an additional $1100

1x $300
1x $400
1x $500

if I recall correctly.
The miserable part is, it’s not getting my cards back.
and it’s honestly demotivating me from collecting…

So they’re already paying you higher than the insurance limit that you put on the submission? That’s good news, but it’s still not at the value of the cards. :frowning:

You could say “No thank you, I would like XYZ for ABC reasons” and see if they budge. The worst thing that they can say is no and then you’re stuck with the same amount.

I would not recommend contacting an attorney and resolving this through mediation. You’ll end up paying more in legal fees and time than what these cards are worth.

Overall, a really sh*tty situation.

The guy from Dave & Adams highlighted the terms of submitted value and told me that other than me accepting the 2.1k theres nothing he can do further for me, I’m still gonna try though… but the situation right now seems completely stacked against me.

it’s absolutely heartbreaking as I had these cards since their release and held off submitting them to psa for many years…


I would suspect that Dave & Adams is right, but there’s no hurt in trying some more. I’m really sorry about this. If you’re comfortable, please list the cards here with their cert numbers so that we can keep an eye out for them if someone is dumb enough to list them on eBay or other places.

if the cards were stolen they would’ve been cracked and resubmitted already.

they were absolutely flawless cards,
but i might post them later.
i’ve not received the money yet as i thought it was very lowball for a company that fkd their client at the only job they had, the Dave & Adam guy later told me he was mistaken and the only thing that mattered was the value tier.