Pricing help Uncut Pokemon Ticket

I always try to help when somebody messages me about Pokemon items. This one has me stumped. I’ve never seen another but I’ve never been asked about one before either.

I suggested he list it high and then get back to me tomorrow when maybe I’ll have a better answer.

My instinct is it’s a very cool but niche item.

What do you all think. What value would such an item have?

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I would say super niche and I would compare to other famous movie tickets. Something like Star Wars would be a stupid high comparison, but it’s a nice place to start. Maybe something like the first Rocky movie? Really any movie series that is still highly popular today and has a solid or growing fan base.

So my recommendation is check sold listings for the popular movie tickets that may be comparable in popularity to pokemon. Not perfect, but should help get an idea. Price would be higher if it was framed nicely with some other piece of memorabilia.

Grab some sealed or opened movie promo cards and frame them together and BOOM. You have a super attractive and niche item. I think that would sell quick just on cool factor alone AND it would appeal to card collectors also.


Very unique item! If Gary has never seen one of these, it is truly one of a kind. I am just guessing here, but with the right buyer, I could see this ticket selling for up to 4 figures. Great idea on throwing in a few movie promos.

Is this something that could be graded? I saw a few graded sports game tickets on eBay.

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@joer is definitely onto something! If the seller wants to maximize their profit, it is definitely worth picking-up the Pokemon Movie Promo Cards (WB, Mewtwo #14, Ancient Mew…) and framing everything together as a display piece - that could probably sell for a decent amount and it would basically be all-profit! Maybe even pick-up one of the VHS Boxes and use the cover art-work as a back-drop for the frame - something like that could be done pretty easily and would look really nice!

As far as value is concerned, I cannot see this anywhere near 4-Figures! As a stand-alone piece, MAYBE $50.00 to the right buyer; for a quicker-sale $25.00. However, if the seller was willing to put-in the time and set-up a nice frame or something like that, I could see that selling for somewhere in the neighborhood of $100.00.


I agree with this. Very realistic assessment and I like the idea of providing a background for it. It would look pretty sweet and be unique.


I want what you’re smoking


I think it will bring some good money, after all, it is a piece of card board from the 90’s with Pokémon on it! I just took a shot in the dark. I could be way off. There is nothing else to base price off of. The guy has it listed for 15k on eBay right now (I’m not saying he will get that or even close).

How about instead of breaking my balls, you take a guess at how much it will sell for?

I would says its worth $10 alone. Its just a ticket stub.

Besides it saying Pokémon it doesn’t have any appeal whatsoever. Like others have said try and combine it with posters and such. To a movie buff and or right collector they might pay more.

4 figures is a huge stretch. Maybe worth more if it was from the premier or if the ticket belonged to one of the voice actors. The movie played in every theatre imaginable and is not the key component of Pokemon like it would be for Star Wars. It’s definitely neat but I am not seeing huge value in it without a bigger story behind it.

Oops. Dupe post.

Many people (myself included) save their movie tickets for sentimental reasons, which means there are likely thousands of these floating around in people’s attics, drawers, etc. Pretty sure I have my stubs from the first 3 films…

I personally wouldn’t pay more than what it cost to see the movie.


I do like the stub because of the color and big “POKEMON” stated twice on it. I think that helps the cool factor.

This isn’t a stub though. It was never torn.

It’s not a ticket stub though…

I personally wouldnt even buy it, but I’ve sold lots of Concert tickets/stubs to know their is a demand. Best one was a Beatles last tour.

My mistake! :blush: But will the uncut factor matter to people? Tough to say.

The problem with this is that it’s so easy for someone who works at a cinema can just reprint another.

Maybe maverick75 can chime in on that too.

I’m sure the difference between a torn ticket and an intact one is probably 50 to 100x.

If it was from some famous theater like TCL Chinese Theater or even from one of the premiere venues where the movie originally played in Japan/US/Europe, then it would have a bigger appeal than just some mom and pop’s regal theaters in bumblefuck, nowhere. The best way to maximize value is as others have said, incorporate it in a theme with other collectables so it could serve as an art piece/ collectors exhibit. No one just wants that for their binder or to show off to their friends. “Look here’s an original ticket from some random theater somewhere that someone bought and didnt see”.

I went to the last ever Madison Square Garden Black Sabbath show. The ticket’s sitting in an ash tray cause I havent gotten around to cleaning that section of my room. I figured I’d just eventually trash it with a lot of other old ticket and backstage lanyards I have laying around but if shit like this sells maybe I’ll list it for $10 on ebay too

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