Price Valuation: Base Each Holo [Fill-In]

Hey guys,

Was hoping you could all help me out with some estimates, as to what you think each holo from base in PSA 10 1st Edition is valued at today, approximately.

  1. Alakazam
  2. Blastoise
  3. Chansey
  4. Charizard
  5. Clefairy
  6. Gyarados
  7. Hitmonchan
  8. Machamp
  9. Magneton
  10. Mewtwo
  11. Nidoking
  12. Ninetales
  13. Poliwrath
  14. Raichu
  15. Venusaur
  16. Zapdos

I know what the values are, just wanted to see what others valued them at as well so I could see what market buyers would pay :]

Now are you asking for Unlimited, Shadowless, or 1st Ed. Shadowless? Or all three?

I’d accept FOR THINS ONLY appx 500 for most then 250.00 machamp, Hitmonchan/Chansey 600, 700 venusaur, 1000 blast and 4500 char. Thicks may be more especially on the Machamp and the Charizard.

These numbers can vary based on how many of each I have. The above isn’t locked in stone but it gives you something to compare.

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He mentioned 1st Ed.

… How in the world did I miss that?

Kk cuz Im thinking of purchasing a new PSA 10 soon, maybe mewtwo you think 500$ via paypal would be overpayment? Appreciate the response gary, hear your know your base set

Buy it off gary brah, his base set stuff is better than 2014 and onwards newer grade stuff in my opinion. Its like so shiny your face will melt.


When you’re ready drop me a pm:)

What’s the average pop for a 1st ed 10 just roughly, like a range?

40 id say

Maybe 50

Gave me a reason to do something I have been meaning to.


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So Charizard is not the rarest, hmmm…

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This is why the no rarity zArd in my eyes is more valueness. Aint no 1st ed shadowless gonna run away. The shadowless cards are insanely rare to lol. I have to get them all one day muhahahahaha, after I finish my no rarity quest.

Waaaay more Charizards have been graded though than say, Chanseys.

Exactly, the fact that zard is so popular makes it more likely to get a higher grade, as people likely took good care of them. Cards like chansey, poliwrath, and others maybe not as they are not fan favourites. Also, less and less booster boxes are becoming available

Completely off topic but I really love the Chansey (base) / Blissey (revelation) artworks and holos *-*

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I was trying to say since many more charizards have been submitted of course there’ll be many more 10s.
Great point by baller though. That definitely contributed to the percentages.

That is interesting about Hitmonchan/Chansey never knew they go for more. Population plays a part?

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Without a doubt, low pop means less likely to show up for sale. In terms of $ everyone has a different opinion but the cards like Nidoking, and Raichu with high pops obvs sell for less