Pokemon With You Wagon Pikachu Promo

Link to card release information for background information

So, after a riveting auction, the first publicly sold “Pokemon With You Wagon Pikachu” sold for a solid 131,000 JPY which translates for $1162.05 USD, 1514.91 AUD, 926.15 GBP, 1512.60 CAD, 1078.07 EUR (At the time of writing this article).

It was sold by Y!J user: pw04068

After that card had appeared and sold for quite a sum of money, we have seen a flood to the marketplace with many collectors looking to dump their cards while the going gets good. We’ve seen this in the past with Pokemon Illustrator, how after Scott sold his for a ton of money, there was a sudden surge in the market.

Now we see from the following users:

page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k241231750 - 90,000 JPY (BIN, damaged)

page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n199709034 - 100,000 JPY
page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n199504069 - 94,000 JPY (BIN)
page14.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s516536385 - 89,000 JPY (BIN)

page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f203794417 - 50,000 JPY (100,000 JPY BIN)

… So now comes the fun part!

What do you think the impact of these suddenly flooding the market will have? Were you the person to spend a grand on a card, to only now find that they aren’t as… rare as you would like? What’s the final price predicted for these cards?

Questions that only time may tell?


Pokemon Illustrator is live and kicking buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/d218005721 :blush:

But the price :grin:

It’s all part of the game and the market. Pokemon Go made Pokemon hot again and so all related to it.

Have fun !

Thanks for taking the time to write this up and sharing the info about this card.

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That’s not the promo we were discussing…

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I said this when the first one sold xD they will just keep poping up now maybe stay around the £500 mark ?

I think there’s sufficient demand to keep the prices around where they’re at as of right now. It would take a couple more waves to really shake things up. That might come, might not. So much we don’t know.

Actually, the second. One has been sold before, but I don’t know for how much. Here is the source: pokeboon.com/new-infomation/a-rare-cards-appeared/

There are currently seven for sale on YJ and one on ebay: www.ebay.com/itm/C077-Pikachu-Pokemon-card-XY-P-Promo-With-Wagon-Friends-Japanese-Extremely-Rare-/222396966237?hash=item33c7e4655d:g:15cAAOSwTglYk0-8 (So three more have popped up within the three hours that you’ve made this thread.)

I’m kinda glad I didn’t win the first one, so I’m now able to get one a bit cheaper. They are still quite pricey (considering I’ll have to pay ~200-300 USD import + ~50-75 USD middleman service & shipping above the price I’d buy it for if above 750). But prices still seem to drop and more seem to emerge. Considering there are currently eight for sale after that one sold for 131k, I’m expecting a few more and a few lower prices before they dry out again.

I also don’t think any will again be sold for 131k anytime soon.


@quuador Exciting eh? :blush:


Crazy price for what it is IMO

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It’s one of those where the price was only ever going to come down from the first sale if more than a few other copies were listed as a result. I would say to anybody wanting one to wait to see if the demand is going to outweigh the supply and make a decision based on that being as if the supply is too high the cost will come down as people get desperate to sell.


Agree with this, unfortunately I had already placed a bit on the third one that popped up, and I couldn’t cancel it and was just barely not outbid. The positive news it that I have this Pikachu incoming for my collection now; the other good part is that I had lost that first most expensive one, and new ones were attracted by that selling-price; and the negative news is that some others that are still for sale are cheaper than what I purchased mine for and will probably be lowered as well when the sellers are competing with each other.

Ah well, it’s a great-looking Pikachu, and I’m glad I got it incoming for my collection. :blush: (My wallet is a bit less happy, though… :sweat: )



I think it’ll settle around $300-500


i spoke with kool about this…

mixed feelings… we both seen this happen, and he spotted an opportunity to quickly capitalize on it. Good on him for doing it before others did.

i really doubt this is a rare card… could of been 1000’s produced for the area and victims of the miyagi earthquake. I think 2011 recorded 2000 fatalities… if pokemon company we’re to produced 2000 cards at least for these families… then maybe it is an inference to go off? i can’t see pokemon company producing a small number of these… it was such a large event in japan.

www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pokemon-with-You-Wagon-Pikachu-Circle-of-Friends-Tomodachi-no-Wa-Japanese-Card-/182445027095?hash=item2a7a922f17:g:d7gAAOSw4DJYlt-0 another ones popped up.

In a way I wished this card would have remained hidden.

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Considering that tsunami was a wide spread disaster in Japan, I think the Pokémon company would want to provide as mush relief and cover as many people as possible. So while the card is rare, I have a hunch that there are a good few of them out there.

Let’s hope it turns out like the ‘Grand Party’ promo, thought to be extremely rare/scarce only to find out it wasn’t, making it accessible to almost everyone.

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On one hand I hope as well, so more people can enjoy it.
On the other hand I hope not, since I just paid quite a price for it and basically wasted quite a bit of money if it becomes a lot more cheaper…


You gotta shake that strict investing type thinking. This is your collection! Who cares what you paid?

You got a badass card you needed and you can treasure it for as long as you want however you want. Don’t let the market dictate how happy you let yourself be with your collection.


Amen to that, I have overpaid several times for x or y reason, and while it’s a monetary loss the cards are within my collection still, so I’m happy.