In Japan, the Southern Islands set was initially released with the second Pokémon movie in two promo folders, each with 9 cards per set (Rainbow and Tropical Island) and decorated artwork. The collection was also released as 3-card box sets.
But how can you recognize if the cards in the two promo folders are the original ones ?
Just asking before buying
They’re just like the Arcanine from the Toyota promo and the CD promo, they’re the same cards, no difference whatsoever.
Thanks for the feedback.
It implies the cards don’t make the value of this set. It’s the binder / folder
Yes. They’re pretty nice to have though. If you don’t mind me asking, how much are they selling you the binders for? I ask because they’re not expensive, at all, so if they’re selling them over $15 each, then that’s too much IMHO.
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