
You need to follow the guides above mate.

I did and it does not work.

It does work. It works for everyone.

You aren’t following it if it isn’t working mate.

Are you trying to link one or multiple photos?


Then follow the guide listed above mate. Every single step.


I’ve found the source image that you are trying to upload;

How do you find the direct link with the jpg it never comes up when I copy.

In this instance, imgur has taken away the .jpg end and added a whole bunch of resizing code.

Here’s the link to that image;

Don’t remove that coding.

This the only coding I get when I copy though

Use the link I’ve given you mate. That’s it.

Yh but that’s for that one I have many more. That I want to add to my Collection thread. Is it easier to do it on the computer.

Idk where you’re going wrong but this is a play by play of what I do. After you upload your picture to imgur, click on that image and you should be on a page that displays the image. On this page, next to the picture, is a drop down menu box that lets you choose different links for the image. Click on the menu box and select ‘direct link’. It will then show you the direct link. Copy that link and then paste it into a post here on the forums. Now type in [ I M G ] (without the spaces) before the link and [/IMG] after it.

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This is what comes up no direct link

That’s what comes up when you click direct link? Or is there no direct link option?

No option

There should be a drop down menu box or something like it on the image page where you can choose different links for the image. Make sure you are signed into the site and on the page of the image you want to share. If there isn’t options for you to see different links for it then idk bud, maybe it’s a browser problem.

Facebook and Twitter ar their. I just want to put my saved pictures on my camera on here.

What device are you using?

just testing to see if I can still do it…

This is what it looks like on my phone. I circled what to do in red.