Phantom 1st Ed. Base Set Pikachu

Hey everyone, I was just reading something about almost all the major English misprints and saw something about one called “Phantom Pikachu” where part of the 1st edition symbol on the base set Pikachu (including all of the #1) is missing. I looked it up some more and saw it on eBay for $180! Is this really a misprint? It looks kinda cool but is it worth nearly 200 bucks? How prominently rare is it? Just looking for some more info. Thanks.

Apparently it is pretty rare. It is not a “one of a kind” and there seems to be a decent number around. However, it is not a well known error. I have heard they come from Zap! theme decks.
How much is it worth? The answer: how much are you willing to pay?

WotC printed the cards without the stamp and then sent them off to receive a 1st edition stamp. That is definitely an error but I am not sure if I would pay that much for it.

There was an error that sold a couple months back similar to this where the 1st ed stamp was at the bottom of the card instead of its standard position.