Pet Hair

I searched for a thread on this topic but couldn’t find one, so here goes…

For those of us with four legged friends, how do you keep pet hair off your cards?

We have 2 cats (both short hairs that don’t shed a lot) but still it’s a constant battle to keep pet hair from getting on cards.

When putting cards in a penny sleeve and Card Saver - I use one of those rocket shaped squeeze blowers to get any dust or hair off the card immediately before sleeving it - but something always seems to get in there.

It’s like the cards and plastic sleeves are magnets for hair and dust! I also put each Card Saver stored card into a tight fitting team bag for extra protection so nothing gets inside when I take it out of storage for a look.

Please share any tips you might have for dealing with pet hair and/or dust in the environment where you keep and work with your cards!

Thanks :blush:

I think if there is a dog or cat in a mile radius, there will be a hair on your card saver 1.

I’ll have to try that idea of blowing the dust/hair away. The card savers attract everything.


I don’t have a problem with hairs getting on the cards, it’s the sleeves and toploaders/cardsavers that attract the hair because of static electricity.

What is even worse is packaging tape, since it gets both a static charge and is sticky.

Price to pay for having real life Pokemon.

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Luckily all my dogs don’t shed haha didn’t know this was a thing!

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I keep my cards in a seperate room where animals aren’t allowed. Well very rarely allowed.

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Keep and protect your Pokemon. Get rid of the dogs and cats…lol.


Cats I could agree with; but Dogs?!?! How could you say such a thing Gary :open_mouth: Haha


Definitely making this a priority when we get a house!

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Dogs I could agree with; but Cats?!?! How could you say such a thing Gary :blush: Haha


LOL That wouldn’t work around here. The Cats run this house!

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We have 3 dogs. I put up dog gates so they can never enter my bedroom/ collection room. I never have any problems with hair but I also vacuum and dust twice a week. I recommend not letting your pets in the same room you keep your collection in. I love my dogs but I love my Charizards more lol.

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We have 3 cats at my place. I used to have issues sleeving cards but haven’t the last 5+ years. My usual setup is close all doors and windows to ensure there isn’t any draft. I’ll get everything sealed ready and set up. I’ll wait about 5 minutes for any dust to settle and then work slowly to sleeve any cards. It’s a drawn out process, but the proof is in the pudding.

I heard that;)


We have 3 chows and they don’t shed very much, lol. Their shedding have been quite a problem to us for quite some time already. So we sort of gotten ourselves a robot vacuum? This pretty much does the cleaning on its own, it even puts itself to charge when it’s running out of power. We just find it not very nice when it starts eating up the wires that it crosses. Basically, we have to do preliminary cleaning before we let it clean. weird. lol

I’ve thought about getting one of these. What can you tell me about their pros and cons?

I echo this except I only have one dog, a shiba inu. I have cards I store very deep and secure but ever so often, just one single hair strand always manages to land on at least one card. It’s amazing…

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lol yes! get rid of them. Agreed.

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The only thing we get rid of around here is shysty girlfriends :wink:


Very cute ^^ I love that breed of dog.

Not sure if it matters to you, but I believe it was Roomba’s CEO that said the company sells your data to other companies. For example, that little robot connected to your phone gathers a detailed map of how your house is laid out and what furniture is in it’s way. They sell that info to people who analyze and send you ads that they think might be of interest. “They have X amount of space here and only 1 coffee table in this room, maybe they’re in the market for a new set of side tables to go with their couch”