Opened An Old Box. Anything Special/Cool?

I’ve been inventorying stuff and keep coming across boxes I haven’t seen in years. All of this is basically sealed new condition. Some I recall and some I don’t so I’ll just ask you all, is there anything interesting?
Thanks in advance for your comments.


These are the values I know off the top of my head
Arceus Poster Pack - 40
Supreme Victors Poster Pack -60+ (really hard to find these days)
Arceus Collection box - 100
Ex Battle Stadium - 40
Legendary Birds Tins- 180-200 each (assuming they are sealed with contents)


Thanks brother:)

Those 4 pins I couldn’t find on eBay anywhere. I wonder if they’re desirable to pin collectors.

It all looks pretty interesting to me!

The legendary bird tins should have EX era packs in them which are going for mind-boggling prices now. Sealed product is even more expensive. Wouldn’t doubt that they would be $200+ each. Platinum stuff isn’t too rare but old sealed product is always sweet.

That Sealed Pokemon TCG Binder can fetch anywhere from $60 to $100 depending on condition.

Remember when we all thought that the Burger King Gold Pokemon Cards might be worth millions one day? Womp womp.


The sealed case of deck boxes recently auctioned for $300 AUD so there is some more value there.

Pokémon action 3ds binder was in Australia, the cards were found in packs of chips there was roughly 50 lenticular cards to collect, and by memory meowth was like a secret rare some reason. Binders with complete sets were selling around 100 aud last I looked

@garyis2000 The loose deck boxes and card boxes are around $15-25 or so each (they are plentiful). The sealed deck box case is $180-$220 each. Card boxes sealed with packs of course are more.

The burger king gold coated cards are $10-20 each or so in good condition.

Almost looks like one of the old poker decks (bottom middle with packing peanuts on the top) of which I was a seller for $15 each around 4 years ago. I wouldn’t mind having one again:)

You guys are great, and very knowledgeable. Thank you:)