No Rarity Raichu Low PSA POP

I didn’t realize that CGC / BGS graded most of them buut not a fan of either of them so I guess I’m going too have too see if a PSA 8 ( even though 45 and under ) is going too fill the vibe but those are still pretty low pop too find :smiling_face_with_tear::pinched_fingers:t3:


Why do you want a no rarity Raichu? Just because fewer were graded with PSA?

There is a 9 on eBay for $5k, maybe watch it and see if the seller sends an offer out?

It’s my top 3 base set cards I like from the Japanese base set , also I truly love how much the holo pops on Japanese base set raichu , I could get the more common and much cheaper rarity Japanese base raichu but I would like too have a piece of Pokémon history that includes how rare these cards are ( supposedly only 53 days print run ? ) sounds like a challenge I may hopefully achieve , I also prefer psa and would prefer a grade 9 , yet those two preferences don’t work in my favour lol

I’m wondering if CGC or BGS will have much much more 9 graded NR raichus since they never stopped grading them

Thank you and I saw that not too long ago , I can’t even find last sold for this card in a grade 9

I am aware of a CGC 9 that sold for $3.5k almost 2 years ago, and a BGS 9 (8.5/9.5/9/9) sold for a little over $1200 earlier this year

PWCC shows a PSA 9 last sold in early 2021 for $5600, although I believe this was before PSA started grading them again.

The dream to find one for 1200 LOL but I’m assuming it was lower because it’s bgs ??

I just went and checked my NR Raichu…my mind was blown. I had no idea about that error. E4 amazing as always!

Also good luck on that 9. I just sold my NR PSA 9 Dragonair for 2k a couple months ago. Prices for the higher grades are crazy. :frowning:


I just checked the pop for the 9’s and it went up from 23 too 24 today :tada::smiling_face_with_tear: Maybe another year or two and it will be at over a 100 pop and 200-300 dollars as everyone will forget about it and then I shall grab it lmao :raised_hands:

Also holy that’s a lot of mula for a non holo NR ! Not saying it’s not worth what it sold for just thought the non holo NR’s sold for far less as I would think that price range is more for the holos NR Japanese base

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Exactly !

In addition to the difference in numbers, there’s also a difference in the description, which I’ve framed in my screenshot:

- one character changes between the no rarity version and the rarity version.

No Rarity :能力
Rarity :能力