No rarity Charizard other no rarity

Looking for a raw copy. I will pay up to 3000$ depending on the card. I know this isn’t going to get me a mint/NM copy :blush:

Feel free to shoot me a message, pics/price etc.

A few other no rarities I’m considering. Depending on condition and price.

Mewtwo looking for psa 8/9 or raw
Blastoise looking for a 9 can also do cash + 8 or raw

Prices will vary based on card. With these. Its better to just tell me what you want. Everyone values these a little different. I’m also familiar with what is for sale on EBay and yahoo.

I am focusing a little more on a Charizard NR.


I see two heavy played copies for sale on eBay right now for below your asking price:

I also see one on Yahoo Japan right now, in better condition (although still played and off-centered):



Thanks for the help^ those have been sitting awhile due to the condition/price.

I missed one the other day on yahoo that sold for 1k. Probably a 6 level card

Buyee server/site went down, I had set my alarm and everything to be ready to bid it out lol.

I almost bought that one for 150k yen a few times. Closer inspection, shows it has a corner bend in 2 corners. I don’t think they are small either lol. It’s been up for weeks.

I really get nervous with Buyee though anyway. Pictures are terrible, language barrier to ask questions etc.


Bump, new needs. Still focused on raw Charizard.

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