There was a post on here about a year ago with a picture of a Jungle 1/64 Clefable that was missing the holographic. The user fell off the site & didn’t respond after the first few questions were answered.
I was also checking out this pojo website linked in the recent Error thread created and noticed “an Alakazam missing the holo” from Base Set. It’s listed as a random production error. I’ve never heard of the error or noticed it. Alakazam is a tough card to see the holo on w/o light.
I tried pursuing the non-holo Clefable error myself, to no avail.
As far as the non-holo Alakazam, I remember reading about that somewhere, as well as a non-holo Magneton base set card. I think the guy with the non-holo Alakazam sent his card to PSA, but never updated anyone with any results. I’ll have to see what I can find.I think he also said he bought the card back in the 90’s at a flea market or something, yet remembered that the person who sold it to him worked with WOTC. OR that he got it from an uncut sheet. Something sketchy, but fascinating.
Honestly I wouldn’t bother with base set “non-holos” until they are verified. I have seen nothing to confirm their existence, let alone their authenticity.
The photo’s I have encountered of a “non-holo” base card were fake cards. There were base set fakes printed overseas, which were non-holographic. Perhaps the holo pattern was too difficult to imitate.
I agree. Every non-holo Base card I’ve seen has been a fake. To have a specific card written on a list at Pojo drew some curiosity. The Clefable was pic was posted on here & looked very good. I’ll admit the card is difficult to see the holo pattern under certain lighting. In my eBay searches, many have looked non-holo in the low quality search picture.
Ah yes, the ultra rare No Venusaur Venusaur. The No Venusaur predates the No Rarity cards. Not only did they not have rarity symbols, they didn’t even have Pokemon!
It’s real. They just used a tinner to remove the art. Did it with a lapras, but then removed the background ink, it looks absolutely amazing. It looks 3d or whatever, a m a z i n g
We were discussing the non-holo 1/64 Clefable on discord and was wondering if there is any legitimate copy known to exist since this thread was made?
Here’s the image that prompted discussion. To me, I see nothing that would question the legitimacy of the card. Maybe someone else can see something I don’t :