Mysterious Mountains 1st edition Booster Pack - E5 Series

Hi Guys,

What price do these booster packs sell for in sealed nr mint/mint condition? I cant find any on eBay at the moment. I thought maybe they are around the £40/$53 mark?

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I think I recall seeing them sell anywhere from $35-50. That was earlier this year/late last year though (can’t remember exactly), so I’m not sure if the Pokemon Go hype might haver changed that. A booster box sold for ~$450 around that time as well.

I bought 4 at ~£25 each a while ago, and I’ve seen some sell for £30 when sold indivually.

I sold 3 1st Ed. in the last couple of weeks for around 35-40 USD. 5 Unlimited packs sold for 50 USD I believe last month.

Thanks guys it sounds like £30/$40 is about right then. Trying to get values for all items in my collection!


i am searching one of this booster .

Does someone sell one ?

I search also a japanese pack “WEB”

PM me if you have
