Hello guys, This is my current MewTwo Collection so far after a month and a half of collecting. Started Collecting near the end of November. Here’s a Little backstory, I started Collecting MewTwo Specifically as he’s been my favorite pokemon right besides Shadow Lugia from the Gale of Darkness game. As a kid I thought he was the strongest and coolest looking pokemon there was. I feel like I owe it to my younger self that didn’t collect cards but only played the games to collect all official MewTwo cards and Non TCG cards. Once I have Collected them all I want to build a custom portrait to hang it in my home. I don’t really care about what grading company the cards are (Ace grading has nice labels tho but i’m in the states rip) or the monetary value of some of the cards as well I just want to finish this endeavor for my younger self.
All of the graded cards I won off auction from ebay. Majority of the non graded cards are from going around to vendors at a place near me, I got some from opening packs as well. I eventually want to grade all the cards that can be graded. I know the “EwTwo” from PokeNots isn’t a official card but I thought it was really funny and had to get it lol (Plus I got it for an absolute steal of a price). Please feel free to ask question or if there’s any advice you can give that you think is helpful or even how to go about framing it in the future by like order by rarity, order by release date, or any other ideas would be lovely.
This is an amazing collection you put together. I especially like your attitude of grading cards regardless of there grades, grading companies and without financial interest. It’s like sealing and conserving memories sort of. I think exactly the same way as you. Keep up adding such nice items. Love it.
Nice collection @Elesar ! I’m a big Mewtwo fan myself and I’m a sucker for the Mewtwo strikes back cards. There’s just so much nostalgia there. The gold Burger King Mewtwo is taking me back down memory lane!
I love the Vunion set too!
What are your top 3 favorite Mewtwo cards?
Looking forward to the seeing the collection progress!
Hey Elesar. Congratulations on building such an incredible collection in such a short time! I noticed you have a mix of non-TCG/TCG and vintage/modern pieces. Do you have a specific goal in mind for your collection? And what about languages—are you planning to focus only on English cards for the TCG ones?
I’m also a Mewtwo collector, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there’s anything I can help with regarding your collection. Cheers
To answer your questions, I would love to get all english for TCG cards but some of then are just to expensive in comparison to some of their Japanese counter parts. As to Non-TCG stuff I want to collect everything that has released for MewTwo that can be graded. If it can’t be graded I would still love to collect some of the stuff I find cool and put in the frame with everything else. I think i’m going to go about this by making a list of everything I need to collect and find the best way to lay it out, take measurements, and build the frame for it first so I could add to it as I eventually get everything. I feel like the tough part other than collecting everything would be being absolutely sure I accounted for everything. Let me know your thoughts!
I’m Glad to see someone with a similar journey as mine, I’ve gone through your PSA registry and can say that you have an amazing collection and hope I get to your level someday. I appreciate it a lot, I will definitely reach out if i have any questions.