Moving and how to transport slabs / binders

I plan on moving this summer and I have about 100-150 PSA cards in my collection as long with around 10 binders that I definitely don’t want to get damaged. Is it worth it to send all my PSA cards to a vault for safe keeping and then safely mailing myself the binders to my new place? If anyone has any experience moving, any insight would be super helpful!

I’ve moved with my entire collection on more than one occasion. It was not a problem at all to keep the slabs/binders/sealed product with me during the move process. I would much rather know where my cards are than risk them getting lost in the mail.


Assuming you are driving to the next place, I would carry them with me. Throw them in the back seat or something.


Get yourself a box or 2, place everything carefully in there, with or without cushioning, and you transport it yourself. If you’re driving you shouldn’t have a single problem with them in the box and in the main cabin unless you’re a terrible driver.


Similar to others, I moved through airplane and just carried by PSA slabs as carry-on in a carrying case with some foam to fill in the gaps.

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Get one or two of these.

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10 binders and 150 slabs shouldn’t take much more space than a seat in the car. If you’re using movers I would keep it all with you, otherwise invest in a roll of bubble wrap and you should be okay!

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Thank you Omwalf, I will look into this and figure out how I will do everything

Thank you for all the insight, it has been very helpful C:. I might still vault my cards, but we’ll see or at least the cards I don’t rly want to lose

I keep all my slabs that aren’t displayed in palms off gaming storage boxes. They are amazing! Makes it easy to move them all too.

SGTs, and the Safe Secure Trailers (SSTs) they tow, are described by the NNSA as “technologically advanced vehicles” that have the capability to safely withstand punishing highway accidents and keep cargo safe in the event of complete immolation of the vehicle. If a SGT comes under attack, unspecified security features in the vehicles give them, according to the NNSA, the capability to “surprise and delay even the most aggressive adversary”. The full range of defensive components in SGTs is unknown, but according to some media reports the vehicles are equipped with autonomous weapons systems and other “high-tech surprises” that allow them to independently engage and repel attackers even if all human crew have been killed or disabled.

I have one it is a nice box, but I have dropped it once before and when it dropped all the cards came flying out xD

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This reminds me of that reddit story where I guy had a mover steal some of his slabs while moving out their furniture. I would not let my collection out of my sight when moving.

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I find USPS priority boxes useful for slabs and as a nondescript generic sized box if youre in the US. The large priority box can fit about 2 columns of 30 slabs laying sideways (60ish total) and still have space for plenty of bubble wrap top and bottom. It depends on the values and how comfortable you are but Ive found it easier to keep track of my decks this way when moving since the boxes are a reasonable size to keep with me in whatever vehicle I am moving with.

I moved a year ago. I put my cards and binders in these heavy duty cardboard boxes from Lowe’s and my graded cards in Palms off Gaming Cases. Use foam or other space filler like crumpled newspaper around any crevice to ensure things stay snug and don’t shuffle around in transport. My only regret was not removing cards from their trophy case as if you have the modern cases they do jostle around and came scarily close to being damaged.