Most recent accomplishments, anyone?

After holding onto a Psa 10 Shadowless Blastoise booster pack for some time, I cracked it open. To my surprise, it was Shadowless, although short crimped! Pulled a Pidgeotto as a rare, but I don’t care. Shadowless packs were not available in New Jersey during the Pokemon boom in the late 90’s, and the opening experience was totally worth the $250.00. Have not been this happy in some time.


I love opening rare packs. I recently bought two Japanese Neo Destiny packs for a total of $163…and immediately opened both. I had no intention of keeping them sealed.

No shining cards as of course I had hoped, but two holos (Scizor and Crobat) and some general lovely art–all mint, unplayed brand new. (Really love the Light Flareon I pulled too!)

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That’s great! It is kind of hard to hold onto vintage packs, even when they are sealed in a Psa case. I think I know what I would do if I got my hands on a First Edition Base Set booster pack. It may just be worth the $1,000.00+. Or am I crazy? :blush:

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Lol I mean, I get that by opening the packs it takes the value way down. I get that, I really do. But I like the cards themselves, so I’d rather have my 9 or 10 little pieces of art than a sealed pack. (Plus, ya know, what if you pull “that” card?) Worth the fun to me!


I now have 100 cards of the gym challenge set. Just 32 mire and I’ll have a complete set. Been working on this all year. Excited to complete it by next year :blush:


Snagged my third champion DCE…my first from the North American tournament. I now own 1/8th of the world population of these lol


That’s great moo. Congrats…

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At this rate I’ll be known as the Gary of energy cards soon haha

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A few thousand? That’s incredible!

I finally got a PSA count on my Wall Of Extra Cards.
2300 PSA cards

1040 PSA 10s
25 BGS 10s and 9.5s
1100psa 9s
100 PSA 8 and less


Haha @garyis2000 you got me, I thought that was a video and tried to play it :grin:


I should have just taken another pic. Maybe I will

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There you go :blush:

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