Mitsuhiro Arita question!

Hello everyone!
I’ve been out of the loop since a lot due to many changes in my life.
But my love for the hobby is still there, even if i don’t buy such as before.

Aaaanyway i hope you guys are doing ok, i always thought this one is the only serious community for the hobby.

I have a big question.
In these 2 years me and one of my best friends tried to “complete” a master set of the master Mitsuhiro Arita.
I recently found out that there were cards not to my knowledge such as Pikachu Battle Festa 20th anniversary or even Giovanni’s Scheme 277 / XY-P (unreachable card for us, it’s very expensive).

Anyway through these months, with hard work, we tried to get down what we are missing and under an advice of another friend of mine we got help from the site serebii and bulbapedia.
The fact is that even in the site mentioned before that Pikachu battle festa and Giovanni’s scheme are not in Arita’s card list.
Or for example Mcdonald’s versions of Umbreon, Donphan and Lanturn (stamped then in Aquapolis set in different artworks)

So MY QUESTION is: How can i really find every single card that The great master Arita made?
Maybe a list or stuff like that!

Thanks to everyone who is gonna help us to end this amazing journey!

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Welcome back :blush:

Not sure if this is completely accurate But should be a pretty good starting point. There is also collection thread in here with Aritas cards that I cannot find right now but that could also be a reference.


@xileets might have a list perhaps, since he collects Mitsuhiro Arita cards specifically as well.




Including all stamped, alternate holos, and non holos it is quite difficult.

The release info on bulbapiedia is very helpful for this but it will not show you all cards available.

I collect Tomokazu Komiya cards and adding a holo McDonald’s promo alolan vulpix only released in France is one of those things you can’t find in a list online. It just takes lots of searches and experience knowing exactly what you have and don’t have.


Thank you.
We are already at a good point but in order to finish this journey we would want to know if the journey is over lol
Actually i don’t know if i’ve been accurate before, but we are collecting all Arita’s artworks (so not every single card).
For example, -Umbreon Aquapolis- we just got the non holo one and we don’t need the holo one.
We preferred to get the non holo version where is possible because without the holo, the artwork is more visible in every detail.

Just last week we added Alto Mare’s Latios/Latias (we didn’t even know that they were arita’s) and other cards that we excluded at the start because they are pretty “digital” if you know what i’m saying (for example the old EXs)

We count 36 cards to go. I hope to get some help here too and soon i’m going to make a thread on the price check for some card and then WTB post.

Thank you all for your support.

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Thank you Quuador, it would be amazing if @xileets can provide us some lead!

You can also reference against serebii. From my personal experience, neither serebii or bulbapedia are complete but combined they get you pretty dang close


Thank you man. As i opened the thread we passed by both of’em :grin:

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I could also recommend as third option. They only have the English cards, though.


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… if anyone has or wants to create a spreadsheet, I’d be happy to include it in the list of artist checklists in the Artist Collector General Thread, if you’re kind enough to share it with the community :wink:

As others have noted, I’ve also used a combination of serebii and bulbapedia for my own spreadsheets. But an Arita checklist is obviously a whole other level of workload than mine were.

Anyway, good luck with your awesome goal and sorry for the plug :stuck_out_tongue:


It is a great journey! I saw there was mention of the page,, which is nice because they’re in chronologic order. As well as the bulbapedia page for arita, which is easily copy-able and searchable. Also, THIS is a decent list for english, though not updated as frequently:

Each has a couple cards that the others miss. For example, Battle Styles Fletchinder is missing from bulba. Further, There are arts and packaging that are not labelled as arita but that he has certainly done. A few of my posts, he’s confirmed are his work, but I and some others recognize his work from the technique, style, etc. In general though, for actual TCG and offshoot TCG (Like WAKU WAKU Battle) cards, I’d say if you combine the lists of those two sources, you’ll have mostly everything. =)

Mad props to you, and I wish you all the fun and satisfaction you can get in hunting these cards!

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I don’t have a spreadsheet, but if no one else has one, I can easily create at least a baseline for cards since I already have it in text format. (What I DON’T have is a Master set list of every variation of every unique card alternate.)
But, I’ve got finals in 3 days, so this will hav eto wait for a littel bit. lol :wink:


So, In response to this specifically, instead of editing my previous answer, be sure to dig through the alternate releases of the cards listed on bulbapedia. This list is honestly, the most complete, barring a few that like I mentioned, are identified elsewhere. *I’ve only found one omission on bulbapedia, and it’s because of a bug. The card itself IS actually listed as arita on bulbapedia, but it doesn’t show on the master card list… weird.

Anyway, as I said in my other post, I’d be happy to create a list from my complete list, sanz alternate printings of the same card (ie. reverse holo, blister, league promo, etc.) It’ll just take a little time to compile them. I have a break from school coming up soon tho. I need to recatalogue, to it’ll be a good opportunity.

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The website I’m working on should have all Arita promos / special releases up to the sun moon era, I’m working on sword & shield now :blush:

It’s also missing some languages like Korean & Thai, but those should be up soon as well


You ROCK! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Thanks, Broski/Siski!

Sorry for my late response.
Wow i don’t know what to say. Thank you so much.

I also read the other posts and thank you so much for the other website you gave me.
I’ll check this list too as soon as i can.

My “master set” is made just of artworks (for example a card with a stamp/reverse/holo/normal etc i just have one version of that artwork).

I can’t wait to have your work so we are gonna understand how we are placed in this amazing costly journey! lol

Thank you so much man!

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@auron92it , To give you a ballpark idea of where you are, there are currently 611 individual UNIQUE artworks on cards done by arita. (I’m confident this is accurate to within a card or two as it may have increased the last week or so with new PR). That includes crazy expensive promos, alternate arts (JP or Eng), but not any alternate OR re-prints of the same art, nor does it include non-tcg cards like the “My Deck” card.
For comparison:
Serebii includes reprints and alternates but misses some cards, listing 627 cards.
Bulbapedia does not count alternate arts, but lists 587 (+1 it omitted).

For a visual guide, you can check my full album here:


Hi man! Sorry for my late response :confused:
I don’t know how to thank you. Thank you for sharing this big piece of master set. I really owe you.

I recognize all the cards that we are buying but…there is one that i’m missing and never seen before.

Picture n.19. What is that Japanese MAGMAR? Can you please give me more info about that?

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