Middle Manning Cards for e4 Members

Hey all. I have middle manned for several e4 members the past few years. I enjoy doing it as I get to see some cool cards and help people save a ton of money on shipping costs. If interested, feel free to send me a message. I am USA located

Here are some people I have middle manned for in the past for reference.
@Nexusak (working on their first package)


Forgive the ignorance, where are you based or does that not matter?

USA, I will add that to the original post

Would you be able to ship to Canada?

Yes I can ship to Canada

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This is great to know - thank you!

Cool, might be time to actually get a trade thread together

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I also middle for people overseas. It really does save a ton on shipping costs. That’s awesome you help out too.


eeveeteam has been a huge help for me, and I highly recommend he !!!

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@eeveeteam does an awesome job of middle manning, i couldn’t recommend him enough.

im also happy to assist anyone who wants to get cards from Australia :slight_smile:


Recommended seller :+1::+1:

Considering probably half my cards come from @eeveeteam I think I can say I found my go to card person.


Do you ship to Spain? Actually I want to buy some things from the US but shipping cost + taxes kill everything…


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Thank you! I will DM you in January!

Just popping in to recommend @eeveeteam

Happy holidays all!

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